Why the Bremen “crime scene” is primarily for car fans
The current Tatort episode “Donuts” is about illegal races in the Hanseatic city of Bremen – and Jasna Fritzi Bauer has her moment.
By Birgit Grimm
2 Min.
Investigator Liv Moormann (Jasna Fritzi Bauer, left) has to realize that her half-sister Marie (Luisa Böse) is fully involved in the tuning and speeding scene.
© Photo: Radio Bremen
A look under the bonnet of the BMW says nothing, but looking at the faces of the young people who drive this BMW says it all: astonishment, joy, even a little greed flashes. And fear for Marie, who later drives this car as fast as she wants to get rid of it. Welcome to Bremerhaven, one of the largest automobile transhipment ports in Europe. Andre Rusu, the area manager of the drivers, is found on one of the terminals. He’s dead in the trunk of a new car that’s about to be loaded.
While Liv Moormann returns to Bremerhaven, so to speak, to her childhood to investigate, her colleague Linda Selb is taken to Brussels, where Mads Anderson has an assignment for her. A break could have been given to the two jokers, because these masterminds cannot contribute anything substantial to the solution of this case.
She drives like she has petrol in her blood
It is the hour of Liv Moormann (Jasna Fritzi Bauer), who feels embraced by home like an evil tiger. The little powerhouse not only has to stay on track with the colleagues from Bremerhaven in the usual wrangling over competence and responsibility, but is on the verge of taking a wrong turn when she notices that her half-sister Marie (Luisa Böse) is fully involved in the tuning scene.
Marie loves Gheorghe, the nephew of the murdered division manager Rusu. She would rather sleep in the workshop than at home with her mother and she drives like she has petrol in her blood. She and Gheorghe and his brother ruthlessly steal cars from the port’s car terminal to get a kick out of nightly races and spin donuts with squeaking, smoking tires.
Too much pressure on the gas pedal
But she doesn’t know everything that’s going on illegally. When the going gets tough, Gheorghe sends her away to protect her. The fact that this disappointment and lovesickness lead to a skipping action is then too much pressure on the gas pedal. There’s no question: Real car freaks and motorsport enthusiasts have more of this thriller.
“Donuts” also scores visually with aerial shots of the gigantic terminal and oppressive narrowness in Liv’s mother’s apartment. But during the nightly chases, all those for whom the car is just the vehicle that gets them reliably from A to B can fly out of the curve.