Home » today » News » Why suspects in Mallorca’s head-kick case are still roaming free | Deadly assault Mallorca

Why suspects in Mallorca’s head-kick case are still roaming free | Deadly assault Mallorca

Who are the suspects anyway?
Almost all of them come from Hilversum. Via the website GeenStijl and now attached to this site from various sides – seven names came out of a total of thirteen young men who were on Mallorca: Hein, Damiaan, Lukas, Sanil, Stan, Martijn and Daan are their first names. They were shocked themselves yesterday: “Shame that there is such speculation, no further comment”, for example, responds Sanil by phone and he disconnects. Hein also comes on the line: ,,It was my group of friends, but I was not at the fight. No further comment.” A single parent of the men who answered the phone also declined to comment. The same newspaper noticed The Gooi- en Eemlander, which managed to find some men earlier this week. Almost all of them live in houses in the more expensive segment. They know each other from school and sports. Some of the boys, all between 18 and 20 years old, already seem to have their own sole proprietorships to their name.

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