A young woman being vaccinated
Many countries are now weighing whether to offer more COVID-19 booster shots to stay ahead of new waves of infections.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that doses be prioritized for the most vulnerable people.
But why does this vaccine seem to need repeated doses when other vaccines can last a lifetime?
different speeds
How often you should get vaccinated depends in part on how quickly the virus or bacteria change that is fought
For example, most people receive two doses of the measles vaccine in childhood, which is expected to protect them for life.
The virus of measles doesn’t change much. So once the body has seen what it is like, it can go on recognizing it for decades: it’s still more or less the same.
Secondly, flu viruses evolve very quickly.
A vaccine will train your immune system to recognize one strain, but by the next winter it mutates so much and becomes so different that your body can no longer recognize it.
That’s why the flu shot is offered to those who need it every year.