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Why some foreigners can’t donate blood in Chile

A Venezuelan woman said on social networks that she was denied the opportunity to donate blood and accused the Chilean State of being xenophobic.

An intense debate took place on social network X after a user accuse the State of Chile of being xenophobicafter You deny the ability to donate blood because you are Venezuela.

Venezuelans are refused to donate blood in Chile“, said the complainant Dagne Cobo. “We need eight blood donors at Posta Central for my cousin and they must be Chileans by order of the Ministry of Health (Minsal). How is this xenophobia not encouraged by the state?“, urgent.

However, the Central Post’s decision is governed by s strict health protocol of the Minsal. This indicates that those who have been abroad, especially in certain areas where there is a risk of transmission of certain diseases such as Zika virus, chikungunya, dengue, yellow fever, Ebola and Nile feverthey cannot donate blood.

Risk of malaria

The Minsal rule says so anyone who has survived their first five years or spent at least six months in a country where there is a risk of malaria, you cannot donate blood in Chile because You can be a carrier without showing symptoms.

This microorganism is present in China, Africa and most Latin American countries, except for Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.

María de los Ángeles Rodríguez, head of the Clínica Alemana blood bank, explained. CNN what “In Chile we eradicated malaria “Many years ago but the Ministry made the decision to ban (in blood donation) people born in countries where there is malaria, permanently, and those who travel for a short time. “

Along with this, he emphasized that “the health problem with malaria is very complicated because in reality The parasite can remain hidden for a long time and still transmit the disease.”

Who can be blood donors?

According to the information provided by the MinsalPeople who want to donate blood must meet the following requirements:

  • You are between 18 and 70 years old.
  • Have slept at least five hours.
  • Weight more than 50 kg.
  • After eating in the last five hours (breakfast and / or lunch).
  • It must have been more than three months since your last donation if you are a man, or more than four months if you are a woman.
  • Have an identification document with a RUN number and photo, such as an ID card, driver’s license or passport.

Who cannot donate blood?

  • Those who have had sexual relations with a new person in the last six months (with or without a condom).
  • Having had sexual intercourse with more than one person in the past six months (with or without a condom).
  • Having had relationships with people involved in the sex trade in the last 12 months.
  • Those who have had tattoos, piercings (rings) or acupuncture sessions in the last six months.
  • After consuming or ingesting illegal drugs.
  • After taking antibiotics in the last seven days.
  • Having had diarrhea in the last 14 days.
  • Those who have had an endoscopy or colonoscopy in the past six months.
  • Women who are pregnant or those who have given birth or had an abortion in the last six months.

2024-08-21 17:09:15
#foreigners #donate #blood #Chile

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