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Why should we put salt on wounds? Here is the incredible truth

The solutions of water and salt perform a disinfectant action due to the osmotic power of the solution which alters theosmotic balance of the cell wall of bacteria and determines their death: in practice, when microorganisms come into contact with a concentrated solution of water and salt, the water inside the cells of their cell wall tends to escape by osmosis according to the gradient of concentration, resulting in dehydration of the microorganism.

How and when to use water and salt to disinfect skin and mucous membranes.

The disinfectant action of water and salt it can be used to clean small skin wounds: it is used for example in case of small post-shave cuts or minor wounds and bruises. There are also special sticks on the market to be used after using the razor blade or razor, in order to disinfect small shaving wounds and promote skin healing. A solution prepared with a teaspoon of fine salt dissolved in a glass of water can also help in case of pimples e boils, dabbing it once or twice a day on the areas to be treated on the face or body: the water and salt solution is in fact useful for cleaning the skin and speeding up the healing of wounds caused by the rupture of boils or cysts from folliculitis. The application of water and salt on the skin must however be localized on the wounds and should not be extended to large areas to avoid dehydration of the epidermis. For major injuries However, it is preferable to use other disinfectants rather than water and salt because this natural remedy has limited effectiveness and above all because the burning caused by this solution can be considerable: it is therefore better to prefer other types of disinfectants, equally natural, but more effective and more tolerated like hydrogen peroxide.

Water and salt: when to use it

As we have seen a solution of water and salt can be used on minor wounds, dabbing it locally on small confined areas in case of boils and skin abrasions. In addition to small wounds, the solutions of water and salt are effective for cure colds through nasal washes: this is a very ancient practice that allows you to cleanse the nostrils and help you breathe better in case of rhinitis. The saline solution for i nasal washes It can be bought at the pharmacy or prepared at home by mixing half a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of baking soda in a glass of pure water. Water and salt it can also be used to get relief from inflammation affecting the mouth and gumsby rinsing several times a day with a glass of water in which a teaspoon of salt has been dissolved. In addition to disinfecting any wounds in the mouth (due for example to surgical stitches after minor operations), the water and salt helps to drain excess fluids that form in case of mouth inflammations, including gingivitis and abscesses: in this case therefore the solution of water and salt represents a real one natural disinfectant and anti-inflammatory mouthwash.

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