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Why should people with diabetes take care of their feet?

Diabetes it is a chronic disease, so it requires treatment to control blood sugar levels. Uncontrolled diabetes can damage various organs in the body, leading to complications.

One of the health problems that arise due to levels high blood sugar rate in the long run it’s a foot problem. Foot problems are often experienced by people with diabetes. So why should people with diabetes take care of their feet? Here’s an explanation.

1. Diabetes

diabetes illustration (pexels.com/Nataliya Vaitkevich)

In diabetes, the body either does not produce insulin or the body’s cells do not respond to the insulin it produces. As a result, the sugar remains in the bloodstream, thus influencing the body to convert food into energy.

Left untreated, this condition can lead to more serious health problems, including heart disease, vision problems, and kidney disease. In addition to these problems, diabetics also run the risk of foot problems.

3. The presence of infection and uneven blood flow causes the tissue in the feet to die

Why should people with diabetes take care of their feet?leg illustration (freepik.com/Racool_studio)

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Reported Medline PlusFoot problems are often experienced by diabetics. This condition occurs because long-term high blood sugar levels damage the nerves and blood vessels in the legs. Nerve damage causes numbness, tingling, or pain in the feet.

If numbness occurs, the person is not aware that their feet are blistered or sore. These wounds can become infected if not treated properly. The presence of infection and poor blood flow can trigger gangrene, which is a condition in which the skin, muscles and surrounding tissue die.

Adding an explanation on the Indonesian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialists page, gangrene is a very serious complication and may require amputation. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said amputation aims to prevent further spread of infection and save lives.

4. The importance of foot examination in people with diabetes

Why should people with diabetes take care of their feet?illustration of checking a leg injury (freepik.com/fabrikasimf)

The General Directorate of Health Services of the Ministry of Health explained, to prevent foot complications, people with diabetes must have regular checkups to find out the condition of their feet. The parts of the foot examined were the instep, sole, sides of the foot, and between the toes.

Several things need to be controlled, such as bleeding, calluses, blisters, dry skin, ingrown toenails, redness, swelling, pain, reduced aching sensation in the feet, so that wounds take longer to heal. Foot examination and care aims to prevent foot injuries. In addition, performing regular foot checks can also prevent nerve damage in the feet which does not make the feet feel any pain.

5. How to take care of your feet

Why should people with diabetes take care of their feet?illustration of having someone help you check the condition of your feet (pexels.com/Ron Lach)

The CDC says daily foot checks can detect foot problems early so they can be treated right away. With prompt treatment, the risk of leg amputation can be reduced.

Some things that can be done in foot care for people with diabetes include:

  • Check the condition of your feet every day: Check your feet for sores, swelling, redness, calluses, or other changes occurring to the skin and toenails.
  • Wash your feet every day: Wash your feet with warm water and dry them. Once dry, use a moisturizer on the soles of your feet and the balls of your feet, except your toes.
  • Use footwear: Use footwear such as shoes or slippers, even indoors to avoid foot injuries. Before putting on your shoes, make sure there are no pebbles or other objects in your shoes.
  • Cut your nails straight and flatten them with a nail file.

Uncontrolled diabetes can cause damage to the nerves and blood vessels in the feet, so that the feet go numb and sores are difficult to heal. Numb feet cause people with diabetes to not notice when their feet are hurting. This is why people with diabetes need to take care of their feet every day.

Read also: Is it true that there is wet diabetes and dry diabetes? These are the facts

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