Home » Health » Why Rigorous Measures are Needed Against Unhealthy Marketing: The Case of Thomas van Grinsven and Milkarepen

Why Rigorous Measures are Needed Against Unhealthy Marketing: The Case of Thomas van Grinsven and Milkarepen

Influencer Thomas van Grinsven proudly poses next to a stack of chocolate bars, his mouth open in a soundless ‘wow’. “How many Milkarepen do you count?” reads under the Instagram photo. “As an ambassador, I may give away my height in Milkarepen.”

Getting rid of a pile of chocolate bars: that doesn’t quite fit in with the government’s aim to reduce overweight. Half of adults are overweight and 15 percent obese, according to figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics last week. Those percentages have been about the same for years. One in six children is also overweight.

The example with Van Grinsven comes from a report on children’s marketing. The food industry has promised to refrain from advertising unhealthy products for under 12s. In theory, they are not allowed to create an Instagram account. But the practice is different, and Van Grinsven is clearly a child idol, says research agency Panteia.

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