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Why Mikhail Zhvanetsky was wildly jealous of his young wife: they stopped hiding the truth only now

Yaroslav Grigoriev

28 minutes ago

Mikhail Zhvanetsky. Photo by Boris Kudryavov

Natalya Surova was 33 years younger than the satirist. About what actually happened in the family, the woman told for the first time.

Two and a half years ago, the legendary Mikhail Zhvanetsky passed away. Well, the other day an exhibition opened in St. Petersburg, where you can see the manuscripts and family photographs of the satirist. Fans know that the last wife of the comedian was Natalya Surova, who is 33 years younger than her husband. Today, in an interview with journalists of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, a woman for the first time told why the late Mikhail Mikhailovich was wildly jealous of her. It turned out that Zhvanetsky preferred his wife to stay at home, and was indignant whenever she disobeyed.

“Any of my activity, and I am an active person by nature, caused him anxiety and jealousy. I kept him safe. When social networks appeared, I started to maintain my page in one of them. And many have knocked on my friend’s door. Once my subscribers, having met Misha and me on the plane, joyfully rushed to me: “We read your page.” Misha was very puzzled, especially by the fact that I aroused more interest in strangers than he did, ”says Natalya Valeryevna.

According to the woman, even such a modest “fame” offended Zhvanetsky, he did not want to endure this. According to Surova herself, the age difference could also inspire anxiety in the satirist, but not only she. With all the talents of Mikhail Mikhailovich, he was not devoid of creative jealousy. But the wife went with Zhvanetsky (who enjoyed the reputation of a womanizer) on occasion, eventually refusing any claims and ambitions.

“His peace for me was more important than my ambitions. Now I enjoy doing his work, his archives, and I like it, ”concluded the writer’s widow.

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