Looking at certain images that depict a certain food in particular could lead you to gain weight. Here’s what the reasons are.
It is well known that the human senses are the tools with which we collect the stimuli that come to us from the outside world and then process them and put them in connection with each other. You smell a smell and perceive if a food is good to eat or if it has gone bad or if the pizza that is cooking in the oven is burning.
In the same way, looking at a moldy apple we immediately understand that its place is in the collection of damp and not in the basket together with the other fruit. But have you ever wondered why looking at certain images triggers an uncontrollable desire in you? Science answers us, why a university team from Milano-Bicocca has made a very interesting discovery.
That’s why when you look at food it makes you want to eat it
Speaking of food, the results of an Italian study carried out by a group of researchers from the Milano-Bicocca University regarding obesity and the brain mechanisms that are connected to it they were very clear. At the sight of some images, the brain reacts in a certain way.
We know that the brain reacts to visual stimuli and whether it is images of appetizing foods triggers the desire to eat. The study proved just that. People looking at seemingly succulent foodswhich contain a lot of fat or sugar, they are inclined to eat more because they indulge the desire to eat stimulated by the brain.
How images of food are linked to obesity – buttalapasta.it
But how does this mechanism that relates images, desire to eat and obesity? The researcher explains it Devoted Francantonio head of the team coordinated by professor Heraldo Paulesu of the Department of Psychology of the Bicocca University of Milan who are working on new strategies to combat obesity by working on brain modulation.
Basically, in obese people a very strong reaction is triggered within the brain when they look at a food particularly appetizing and this leads to the irrepressible desire to eat it immediately.
The focus of the research was the ventral tegmental area (VTA), an area of the brain that is closely correlated with the motivational processes of each individual and which in obese subjects has more connections with the fusiform gyrus which is stimulated by images of food. While it has fewer connections with the left inferior frontal gyrus which instead has inhibitory functions.
That’s why those who suffer from obesity can’t stop themselves. It is clear that this important discovery opens new possibilities in the treatment of obese patients through non-invasive brain neuromodulation techniques.
2023-08-31 13:16:05
#risk #gaining #weight #images #Italian #study #heres #Buttapasta