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Why it’s not good to give your baby cow’s milk

Feeding a child under one year old with cow’s milk or other animal origin can cause deficiencies in the intake of basic nutrients, experts point out. If the mother is no longer breastfeeding, she can receive formula-free infant formula until she is one year old.

Campaign to promote healthy baby food

During this period, the SAMAS association carries out an information campaign on the benefits of breast milk and the risks associated with feeding the baby milk of animal origin, under the title “Every chicken with its milk”.

Cow’s milk is too high in protein and sodium, overburdening the baby’s immature kidneys and digestive system, and at the same time poor in minerals and vitamins essential for the baby. In addition, excess saturated fatty acids in cow’s, buffalo’s, donkey’s or goat’s milk can lead to long-term heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Data from a study by Kantar show that 24% of parents with children under 6 months give them cow’s milk or other animal origin (goat, donkey, buffalo), unsuitable for the baby and endangering their health.

Breast milk, best for baby

Breast milk is the best food for your baby. The SAMAS Association recommends exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months, and then, in parallel with diversification, until the age of 2 years of the child, according to the World Health Organization. Breastfeeding creates an intimate connection between mother and child and reveals in the most natural way possible that we humans need each other and exist for each other, say the association’s representatives.
The substitution of direct breast milk with milk of animal origin is contraindicated for children under the age of one year, as they have specific nutritional developmental needs.

The “Every chicken with its milk” campaign gathers testimonials from specialists – neonatologists, pediatricians, breastfeeding consultants – and informs parents that milk of animal origin is contraindicated in children under the age of one because it can cause serious health problems in the long term. short, medium and long.

Why cow’s milk is not indicated

Parents who choose to give cow’s milk to babies believe that “it is well tolerated”, “it is healthy”, “it is natural” – shows the same study KANTAR TNS, statements that experts contradict by showing that each milk has specific nutrients for the growth environment of each chicken. For example, cow’s milk has a very low iron content, which predisposes to iron deficiency anemia.

It also contains a small amount of unsaturated fatty acids, those “good” fats and too much saturated fatty acids – “bad fats”. This can lead to excess weight and a predisposition to heart disease. It has too small amounts of vitamin D, a vitamin that helps fix calcium in the bones and their health, and does not contain vitamin C, an important vitamin in supporting the body’s immune system. At the same time, the concentrations of vitamin A, E and B vitamins are low compared to the baby’s needs. Cow’s milk also has too much protein and sodium, stressing the kidneys and promoting heart disease.

Babies are entitled to free milk powder

The “Every chicken with its milk” campaign will run for a month on social media, on www.asociatiasamas.ro and on www.insmc.ro, where parents will be able to read articles written by specialists and will find information about the national program on free milk powder for children who do not benefit from breast milk, according to law 321/2001. In the case of mothers who are no longer breastfeeding and whose children are growing below normal age due to inadequate nutrition, infant formula is given free of charge, on the basis of a prescription issued by the family doctor, only to children aged between 0 and 12 months.

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