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Why it is not good to listen to music before going to sleep? This is what science says

The life of the personas is full of habits that can be considered good or bad. They all have an impact on the health and in present and future well-being. That is why paying attention to our daily routine is essential to learn how to make the necessary adjustments to avoid suffering from certain problems.

Listening to music and sleep. Source: Freepik

Good rest, that is to say sleep Taking enough time and in the right way is essential for taking care of our health. The Mayo Clinic Institute emphasizes its importance and understands that work stress, family responsibilities and even unexpected challenges, such as an illness, are factors that determine this goal.

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When difficulty appears in our life sleep It can develop into a sleep disorder that, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, includes difficulty falling or staying asleep, falling asleep at inappropriate times, sleeping too much, and abnormal sleep behaviors.

Listening to music and sleep. Source: Freepik

We may be able to find the cause ourselves or need to consult a professional. At this point, many problems that occur at bedtime are currently related to the habits we have before closing our eyes. Many personas They are in front of the television screen, a computer or a mobile device and that is something that could interfere with the release of melatonin, known as the “sleep hormone”, preventing our brain from understanding that it is time to rest.

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In this context, Baylor University conducted a study that put music as a possible cause of the difficulty in sleeping properly. According to psychology and neuroscience professor Michael Schullin, the brain of women personas does not disconnect after the songs come to an end.

The study showed that the catchiest parts of songs keep going around in our heads and this prevents the brain from resting normally and completing sleep cycles. Therefore, Schullin points out that this produces a resentment of the sleep pattern, beyond the belief that music relaxes, which is why the expert recommends avoiding listening to our favorite songs before going to bed. sleep or at least take occasional breaks from those sounds.

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