Minister Miloshev calls on the people’s representatives to show real concern for Bulgarian tourism and the upcoming summer season.
In the last working week of the Bulgarian parliament, the deputies can adopt a legal change that can give the green light to the most pressing problem of the tourism sector.
The question was put to Minister Evtim Miloshev in his meetings with industry organizations, which he held as Minister in the first week of his post as Minister of Tourism.
On Friday, at the first parliamentary control, Minister Evtim Miloshev called on the Bulgarian Parliament to take urgent action and voted to change the Law on Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria.
Almost immediately after Milošev’s premier of parliamentary control, leading tourism organizations signed an open letter that motivated the urgent need for such a change to the speaker of the parliament, party leaders and the minister of tourism himself.
If the change is accepted, it will extend the stay of seasonal workers in Bulgaria from third countries – from 90 to 180 days within 12 months of initial registration, without having to leave the country to apply for a visa extension .
With the changes, approved foreigners from countries outside the European Union, in whose face the tourism industry sees a possible solution to the serious problem of lack of personnel for the summer season, will remain with the same employer or change it for the duration of their new employment contract.
“There is serious work ahead this week and it is the last chance for the people’s representatives to show real concern for Bulgarian tourism. I will do everything possible within my powers and call on them to approve the changes in the submitted Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria.
The amendment in it will unlock the possibility for employers of seasonal workers from third countries to support the successful running of the upcoming summer season,” emphasized Minister Evtim Miloshev in the parliament on Friday.
In his first week as Minister of Tourism, he also personally engaged in an expert-level working meeting with the institutions responsible for issuing visas and work permits to third-country nationals.
At a meeting at the Ministry of Tourism, they showed their willingness to help solve the problem and emphasized that they are not taking a callous and administrative approach to it.
The meeting was in response to the questions put to Minister Miloshev by the tourism industry about the slow and cumbersome process of importing labor.
The director of the Employment Agency Smilen Valov, the director of the Main Directorate “Migration” in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, senior commissioner Nikolay Nikolov, experts from the State Agency “National Security”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior and the Employment Agency took part in the talks.
In the search for solutions, all participants were adamant that it is extremely important to find a balance and, while seeking to ease the procedure for hiring third-country workers to support the tourism industry, not allow a breach in national security.
The most direct way to resolve the case is the adoption of the legal changes by the National Assembly.
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