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Why Is There a Booster Vaccine? This is the word of an expert

VIVA – Corona virus mutations are increasingly emerging and have an impact on the difficulty of overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit almost the last two years. With the mutation of the virus, in particular varian Delta, several studies found, effectiveness vaccine declining. What is the opinion of an expert?

As explained by a vaccination observer from the University of Indonesia, Prof. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, the emergence of new variants of COVID-19 originating from these mutations raises concerns. This is because the delta variant that triggered the COVID-19 tsunami in India is increasingly widespread and has an impact on the effectiveness of the vaccine.

“With the delta variant, the effectiveness of the vaccine decreases, so the possibility of contracting more and the pandemic will last longer,” he explained at the VIVATalk event, Wednesday, September 8, 2021.

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