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Why is the sun setting? This is the explanation according to science

KOMPAS.com – Why Sun sunset? The reason is because of the cycle Earth which keeps turning. In fact, the Sun stays where it is and the Earth moves. Here’s the full explanation.

Earth is a planet that moves around the sun. This process is called revolution. However, the process that makes Earth see the phenomenon of the Sun rising and setting is Earth Rotation.

Earth’s rotation is the process by which the Earth rotates on its axis continuously. Earth rotates to the east. At all times, there is a part of the Earth that faces the Earth and there is also a part that faces back to the Earth.

The part where the Earth is facing the Sun, then that region will feel the Sun rising and daylight. On the other hand, when the Earth is facing away from the Sun, you will see sunset and night.

Why is the Earth’s rotation not felt?

Earth’s rotational motion is imperceptible because humans do not have the organs to sense actual speed. Humans can only know relatively fast or slow if we see something as a reference.

In fact, according to Starchild by NASA, people living on the equator are moving 1,600 kilometers per hour due to Earth’s rotation. This speed decreases as its position gets closer to the Earth’s axis at the North Pole and South Pole. The speed of movement in southern Canada is only about 1,000 kilometers per hour.

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For comparison, try to remember when you were in a moving car. We will not be able to determine how fast the car’s speed is if we don’t see the speedometer.

We may feel the car vibrate violently. However, this is not a speed parameter, but rather that there is a working engine to run the car. We still can’t determine the speed of the car.

Relatively speaking, we can only tell a car sooner or later when we look out the window. We have a reference that is a place outside that doesn’t move and how we see it.
The same logic used to understand the rotation of the Earth that causes the Sun to set and rise without us feeling its movement.

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