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Why is life insurance the preferred investment of the French?

Life insurance has many advantages.

Life insurance has many advantages.


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Life insurance today exceeds 1,900 billion euros in assets, which shows the importance it has in the heritage of the French. And it’s quite logical when you know the advantages of this financial investment.

The advantages of life insurance


First asset of a life insurance, its unique taxation. From 8 years of ownership, you benefit from a tax reduction of €4,600 for a single person (€9,200 for a couple) per year. That is to say that you can buy back €4,600 of interest per year, the paid-up capital being of course not taxed, with no taxation other than social security contributions. For comparison, most other financial investments are taxed with the single flat-rate levy (PFU).

A wide choice of supports

Life insurance is an envelope in which you can choose the funds that suit you. Do you value security? Opt for the euro fund. Do you want to take a risk? SICAVs are available.

On online life insurance, you will even find ETFs, index funds with low fees, lively securities for investing directly in CAC40 shares and even real estate supports (SCPI, SCI, etc.). From which you constitute an extremely diversified and truly personal allocation.

Ideal for all your projects

You can open as much life insurance as you want. It may be interesting to subscribe to them by “life projects”.
For example, more dynamic life insurance in anticipation of your retirement. More defensive life insurance to protect your contribution in anticipation of a real estate purchase. Or, a contract to prepare for your children’s studies, which are often expensive.

The diversification of the supports offered allows you to adapt life insurance to all your needs!


One of the common misconceptions about life insurance is that the funds are blocked. It’s wrong ! Certainly, life insurance obtains optimal taxation after 8 years, but nothing prevents you from withdrawing your funds before then. In fact, it’s probably one of the most flexible investments available. You are completely free to deposit the amounts of your choice and withdraw as you wish.

In addition, within the contract you can reallocate your money whenever you want. Have you chosen a fund and it disappoints you? You can remove it from your allocation and choose a new fund. Do you think the markets will fall? It may be time to arbitrage your shares into euro funds.

Last interesting point, the possibility of making scheduled payments. You will be able to invest the amount of your choice at regular intervals. Ideal for saving without thinking about it.

La succession

Even if it’s not happy, it’s important to think about your estate. How to transfer the maximum amount of money to your beneficiaries (spouse, child, etc.)? Here again, life insurance has a major advantage. In fact, for payments made before your 70th birthday, you have a reduction of €152,500 per beneficiary! This means that you can, for example, benefit €305,000 to your two children without them paying taxes. Not to neglect.

In conclusion, life insurance, with its various advantages, is clearly the investment not to be neglected and which must be part of your assets!

2023-11-22 15:23:02
#life #insurance #preferred #investment #French

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