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Why is humanity so hard?

Good day everyone.

To make this issue more introspective, I answered another user’s question (Etain1402).

The question was: You can… tomorrow?

… send a donation of your choice to the tagschau. What would you report? Corona, Ukraine, your new friend?

Now here we come for me comment:

Good day, John 1402.

I would stand in front of the camera in the German Bundestag as president and appeal to “human society” for hours. Just like Merkel did.

For this I would personally like to give him an answer Essex 7 enter:

Essie7 says:

“I talked about humanity and its whole life story, the good times and the bad times. And how I see the future.”

And I say to that:

“In my opinion, humanity has no future. Just ‘over’.

As a critic of human society myself, I see it this way because people have so far NO change in their activities. People these days still look back unseemly and lie in bed, but they do nothing to change the situation they complain about so much. powerful It cannot be denied in any way that mankind has not understood that wars lead to millions of dead people.

If all of humanity continues to act like this in 50 years, it will affect everyone. And I really don’t see a future in it. Instead, humanity has taken a giant step back in the past few centuries.

I could go on like this for ages, but there wouldn’t be room for it here.

But I seriously doubt that more children have no place in our future/world. More irrelevant, it should also be mentioned that we already have serious problems with resources. How is humanity supposed to have a “future”? Wars, inflation, multiple famines, climate and, and, and. Just too much!

For me, at 24 years old, I don’t see myself in the future. Much more likely in a situation like this, where the past becomes our future “now” in 2050. It’s sad to say something like that at the age of 24 in the most more in Germany.

André Malraux:
If you want to read the future, you have to go through the past.

But that’s the truth. We are all to blame! And the past will be our future. Point.

Now I would be interested to know what you think about my statement. For this I want an honest and respectful debate.

| Question: Will humanity still have a future if things like this continue?

| Sincerely: Robin | TechBrain. 🙂

2024-08-30 22:26:33
#humanity #hard

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