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“Why is B12 Important: Risk of Deficiency, Symptoms, and Foods Rich in B12 – TimesofIndia.com”

The importance of vitamin B12 – why is it so important?

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that our bodies cannot produce on their own, making it crucial to obtain through our diets. Its benefits include making DNA and playing a key role in the production of red blood cells necessary for transporting oxygen throughout our bodies. Unfortunately, certain individuals, such as the elderly, those with alcohol issues, and people following vegetarian or vegan diets, may be at higher risk of B12 deficiency. Prolonged deficiency can lead to serious health issues, such as numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, memory loss, and difficulty walking. To avoid deficiency, it is recommended to consume foods such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and fortified dairy products. For those who are unable to meet their B12 requirements through diet alone, supplements are advised. If you suspect you have a B12 deficiency, it’s important to consult your doctor for a blood test to check your B12 levels. Don’t ignore the early symptoms – taking the necessary steps to meet your body’s B12 requirements can go a long way in maintaining your overall health and well-being.

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