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Why Igor Talankin’s Attempt to Recreate the Success of “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” Failed Miserably

The cunning plan failed.

Vladimir Menshov’s film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” created a real sensation in the USSR. After the film was watched by 90 million viewers, it was recognized internationally. The director received a well-deserved Oscar for his project.

Even now, discussions around the film do not subside: modern women analyze the controversial character Gosha. This hero gained particular popularity thanks to the skill of Alexei Batalov.

But in the USSR they tried to repeat the success of Menshov’s film. Five years after its premiere, director Igor Talankin released the film “Rest Time from Saturday to Monday.” The main roles in his film were given to Alla Demidova, Vladislav Strzhelchik and the same Batalov.

The plot, with its twists and turns, was vaguely reminiscent of the story that was shown in “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” The heroine did not know happiness in a relationship until she met Batalov’s character. The woman considered this man missing at the front, so she did not immediately believe in his appearance.

“I was waiting for you for so long”, — Demidova screamed in the frame, repeating Alentova’s remark almost word for word.

However, despite the director’s cunning, his work was far from Menshov’s triumph. The premiere of the film was very quiet and unnoticeable.

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