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why has the death of Samuel L. Jackson not been shown?

In the 1993 film Jurassic Park, Samuel L. Jackson died devoured by a raptor. However, the scene is not shown on the screen. However, Steven Spielberg had planned to shoot it.

Jurassic Park is generally fairly faithful to Michael Crichton’s novel, but some details seem to have been omitted from the film. This is the case of the scene in which the character of John Arnold, nicknamed Ray and played by Samuel L. Jackson, dies devoured by a raptor.


If this sequence does not appear in the film, it is not because of the violent and potentially gory aspect of such a death. Ray isn’t the only one ending up in the dinosaurs’ teeth, and Spielberg has managed to show just enough of these scenes to keep his film appropriate for family audiences. These are actually simple technical contingencies who prevented the production from filming the tragic end of the character.

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Jurassic Park was filmed in Hawaii. While Samuel L. Jackson had to go there to shoot his scene face-to-face with the raptor, a hurricane devastated the filming location, and destroyed the scenery in the process. Spielberg therefore had to resign himself to eliminating this death from the script. In the film, we learn about Arnold’s fate when Ellie and Muldoon find the remains of his shredded body.

In Crichton’s novel, the character of Jackson goes to the shed where the electrical system is found accompanied by Muldoon. The latter was however attacked on the way by a group of raptors. It is then Arnold’s turn, who is surprised by a raptor who has managed to enter the shed.

The result is obviously the same, and the great Samuel L. Jackson will therefore have been entitled only a supporting role in Jurassic Park. The other main actors of the film whose characters are still alive and well will soon be back in the saga. Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern will all three be in the cast of the next Jurassic World 3 : Dominion, which will be released in theaters in June 2021.

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