In a hidden place in the foothills of the Balkans, in Kyustendil district, lies the village of Gorno Uyno. Once picturesque and lively, today it is known as the “ghost village” – a symbol of desolation, writes “Retro”.
Gorno Uyno was once a flourishing village, home to numerous families engaged in traditional regional crafts and agriculture. The locals were proud of their cultural traditions and rich heritage. The Church of Saint Nicholas, built at the end of the 19th century, was the center of spiritual and social life. The gatherings and festivals organized around it attracted people from the neighboring villages and towns. In the middle of the 20th century, with the advent of industrialization and urbanization, many of the young people began to leave Gorno Uyno in search of a better life in the cities. The village gradually became deserted, and by the end of the century almost all the inhabitants had left it.
The great-grandfathers of those who once lived in Gorno Uyno became angry that all the young people were leaving it, and their spirits began to return to their native houses. The strange and unusual creatures frightened the few people left there. Today, there are no permanent residents in Gorno Uyno, and the houses and public buildings are left to the mercy of time. The deserted streets have given rise to many legends and mystical stories. Local residents from the neighboring villages tell about ghosts and strange phenomena that happen in the village at night. Some claim to hear footsteps and voices in the empty houses, while others tell of visions of former residents appearing in the rubble. These stories attract mystics and thrill seekers who come to Gorno Uyno hoping to experience something out of the ordinary.
Gorno Uyno, located on a high hill, offers a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and valleys. The green meadows and dense forests surrounding the village are home to a variety of flora and fauna, making the place ideal for nature lovers. The silence that reigns here creates a feeling of eternity and timelessness. Gorno Uyno is a testimony to the times of change and a reminder of the fate of many Bulgarian villages that have remained only a memory. Its ghostly atmosphere and the mystical stories that surround it make it a unique place in the Bulgarian cultural landscape.
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