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Why go to college? What plans do candidates for Medicine, Law, Design or Ethnology have?

Registrations for many faculty who organizes the admissions in the summer are towards the end. With the file under his arm, on his own, with his parents or in a gang, graduates from all over the country he enters and leaves the headquarters of the universities of the Capital.

The young people from the University of Medicine say that they have chosen their field out of passion.

“I’ve wanted to come here since I was little,” says Andreea from Buzau.

“I don’t see myself doing anything else,” says Maria, 19, who wants to become a neurosurgeon and is ready to learn about it 10 years from now.

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He already did a year of medicine in Paris, where he attended high school, but did not take the exam admittance which takes place there after the first year and where there were over 10 candidates on the spot. Now he is thinking of doing a year – two of college in Bucharest and then trying to move to Paris, where he wants to stay and work. However, she believes that her studies in Bucharest would also help her, showing that “more is done here in the first years of college”.

Photo: Ziare.com

Daiana, from Valcea, says that a few months ago she oscillated between the Faculty of Health Care and Law and decided to get care because she followed the science profile in high school.

“I love medicine and people. And I want to do something, especially for the conditions now. I saw the conditions and how people are ignored, especially by nurses, and that pushed me from behind,” says the young woman.

Here is the offer of the state universities in Bucharest, for this year’s admission

If you strive, you can do almost anywhere

The conditions in the hospitals, which I know more from the TV, do not scare the young candidates, who say that they are ready to face them. However, some would go abroad at the first opportunity, while others say firmly that they want to work in Romania.

“If we have to work abroad for better conditions, we work abroad, but as a doctor you prepare to help people, and then – of course, there must be some conditions – but if you study in Romania, you should help yourself fellow citizens “, says Ozan, who does not expect to be admitted this year, but is willing to allocate another year of training to enter Medicine, as he wants from class a VIII.

“I would like to stay with us, if I still ended up here,” says Razvan from Targoviste, who would like to specialize in orthopedics or ophthalmology.

“If you work hard, you can do almost anywhere”, believes Andreea from Buzau, who considers that life in the hospital is also influenced by the people who work there and the dedication they have.

Some candidates are not fresh graduates and are already working in hospitals, but studies would help them have a better salary or the desired specialization.

Liliana, 34, a nurse in a maternity hospital in the Capital, wants to go to nursing school. She wants a diploma for a better salary, but she is not thinking of applying with her for a job abroad.

“I never thought about leaving. It’s really quite difficult (in the hospital – ed.), Because it’s not personal enough,” she says.

Madalina, 23 years old, finishes nursing school in a year and now goes to Medicine to become a surgeon or cardiologist. But he would like to leave the country, both for better conditions and for “another mentality”.

Of the same age, George, an assistant in a hospital in Bucharest, says about his job that “you have a satisfaction, even if the system doesn’t help us much”. He wants to enter the Faculty of Nursing to specialize in balneo-physiotherapy.

“Recovery medicine will revolutionize in Romania soon,” he says confidently, stressing that he will stay to work here because he is a “patriot”.

I have the judges, Cristi Danilet, as a model

Upon entering the Faculty of Law, the candidates are greeted by students volunteers, who lead them to a room to complete their registration form, check them and take over the file, so here you do not see the usual queues at the secretariat.

Photo: Ziare.com

Here, too, the candidates are quite determined about their future profession, even if they are still trying at other faculties, and the first two young women we are talking to say that they want to become magistrates.

“When I started high school, I decided that I wanted to study law, because I could get a job in college that suited my personality. I would like to become a judge. If I study frequently and constantly, I think I will succeed. “, says Patricia, who also submitted her file to ASE, but Law is the main option.

And Ioana, from Suceava, who also applied in Cluj to Law and Foreign Languages, the French-Ukrainian specialization, in her hometown, wants to follow the Law to become a judge, although she admits that her options could change during faculty, which offers “a much wider horizon.”

“I have always had people from this field as a model, such as Cristi Danilet. They have always inspired me and since I know myself I have said that I have to be like them. (…) I would like my decisions to be commented on. “One day,” she jokes, saying she’s following the controversy in the press.

Cristian oscillated between Medicine and Law, but he decided for the latter, both because he thinks it suits him, and because his parents work in the field and could help him. In addition, it is an area from which “you can really make money”.

It’s going to be hard, but it’s beautiful

The faculties in the University building do not lack candidates either, more or less focused on a field or determined regarding their future career.

Photo: Ziare.com

Stefania, 19, from Targu-Jiu, studied European Studies at the Faculty of Letters and ASE.

“I want to stay at European Studies, because I don’t know maths“, she said, specifying that she chose the schools she admits to, because they are” of the future “and even at ASE she can advance along the way. She has not thought about a future profession, she wants to go to college for the time being.

Teodora submits her file to Administration and Business, but only to be in college while trying to enter Clothing Design at the University of Arts.

“I don’t want to run out of college here either, I went to the fee last year, but I kind of neglected college and instead of giving all the arrears, I said it’s easier that way,” she says.

At Arte she was not successful last year, but she is determined to try again until she enters.

“It’s very difficult, I didn’t go to any high school in profile. I would like to open a fashion house, to have creations at presentations in other countries, to become known. I don’t want to live with the idea that I haven’t tried.” says the young woman.

Teodora, from Galati, is also determined to study psychology, even if she is aware that it will be difficult for her to practice later.

“It’s going to be hard, but it’s beautiful. I like to communicate with people, to know their problems, to help them if I can,” she says.

Diana, from Ploiesti, pragmatically chose the Faculty of Chemistry, the field she focused on in high school, to specialize in chemistry pharmaceutical.

“After that, I will find a job easily, in medicine it is easier to find than in other fields. And the teachers who guided me told me that I will easily find a job and that it would be ok for me, given that I already know certain things, “she says.

Photo: Ziare.com

Robert, who arranges his documents in the file in the hall of the Faculty of History, says that he also enrolled in Journalism, Advertising, and Agronomy, Horticulture, but history is what has fascinated him since high school thanks to the teachers. And he believes that this would best prepare him to work where he wants – in a European institution or at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Nobody makes money at first, with a lot of involvement I think I will have a good salary

Although she chose a strict field out of passion, Alina, 19, from Fetesti, also has career plans with Ethnology studies that she wants to pursue at the Faculty of Letters and to continue with a master’s degree in Cultural Anthropology and folklore.

It is not an old passion, two years ago he would have opted for psychopedagogy, but he discovered that he likes habits and traditions more, learning to history for baccalaureate.

“I started to delve deeper into the subject and I discovered that I really like our customs and traditions and that there is no emphasis on them at all. And I would like to be able to achieve something, to attract foreign investors, to be able to do something good. in the country “, says the young woman.

He has already talked to graduates, most of whom work in museums, and finds it fascinating to do the same in Bucharest, Cluj or Constanta, where “there are many beautiful museums.”

Even if it does not seem a very profitable field, it is determined to make every effort.

“I consider that no one can make a lot of money at first and, if I do what I like and put my soul into what I do, with a lot of involvement, I think I will have a good salary or I think I could work for me, “she says.

Here are the universities in Bucharest where the entrance exam is given

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