France Télévisions confuses its viewers. This Saturday, February 11, 2023, France 3 will broadcast in prime time not a detective fiction, a guarantee of audience ratings, but entertainment. While France 2 has also set up its grid.
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France 2 is giving up its Saturday evening entertainment in favor of a new TV movie. The channel will offer unpublished detective fiction “Faceless Revenge”, directed by Claude-Michel Rome and starring Philippe Bas and Aurore Delplace in the title roles. A sharp competition which could overshadow the first steps of Jean-Luc Lemoine in prime time on France 3.
The increasingly essential comedian in the schedule of La Trois – with the daily adaptation since January 30, 2023 of “Samedi d’en rire” – will present “The Great Comedy Show” this Saturday, February 11, 2023 on France 3. An evening during which the host will reveal the 2023 ranking of the favorite comedians of the French, according to a national Ifop poll.
Presented by France 3 as a brand new show, “Le grand show de l’humour” had its first life on France 2 in 2017 and 2018 with Michel Drucker. It also looks like two drops of water to the program “Les comiques favorites of the French”, entertainment from the catalog of … France 2 and hosted in 2022 again by Laurence Boccolini. The latest version, devoted to comics from the last 20 years, had already made laugh almost eight months ago on La Deux, 1.42 million viewers, or 9.6% of the entire public.
An exceptional unusual programming
While waiting to find out if the two shows will coexist, this reversal of the boxes is exceptional, France Télévisions tells us. It is due to the programming, last night live on France 2, of the “Victoires de la musique 2023”: the ceremony forced France 3 to bring forward the broadcast of its detective fiction by one evening, according to a logic of complementarity of offers public service channels.
The return to normal is expected next week. On Saturday February 18, 2023, Cyril Féraud will indeed host the “100% logic” game on France 2. Opposite, France 3 will broadcast the detective fiction “Murders in the three valleys”.