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Why Female Liver Cancer Patients in Their 50s and 60s Have Surged – Statistics Revealed

Half of female liver cancer patients are in their 50s or 60s

Entered 2024.03.06 15:40 Entered 2024.03.06 15:40 Modified 2024.03.07 09:29 Views 8,158 Liver cancer is not easy to detect based on symptoms. If the symptoms are clear, it is already at an advanced stage. Pain or lumps in the upper right abdomen, abdominal bloating, weight loss, severe fatigue, and indigestion may occur. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

According to data released by the Ministry of Health and Welfare-Central Cancer Registry in December last year, there were 3,924 new female liver cancer patients in 2021. About 4,000 new patients arrive every year. There are 11,207 male patients who drink a lot, but there are also quite a few female patients. Why are there so many female patients? Women who do not drink alcohol at all have a high mortality rate due to late detection of liver cancer. Let’s take a look at liver cancer, especially female liver cancer.

“Now is the age where I can take a breather”… Half of female liver cancer patients are in their 50s or 60s

According to national cancer registration statistics, in 2021, half of female liver cancer patients were in their 50s and 60s. Those in their 60s were the largest at 29.9%, followed by those in their 70s at 25.9% and those in their 50s at 20.1%. If discovered late, the mortality rate is high. According to Statistics Korea data (2022), liver cancer ranked second in mortality after lung cancer. Next was colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and stomach cancer. They suffer from fatal cancer just when they can take a break from working hard to take care of their children.

Hepatitis B and C viruses rather than alcohol… “There are many middle-aged people who have not been vaccinated.”

The biggest risk factor for liver cancer in Korea is the hepatitis virus, not alcohol. There is data from the Korean Liver Cancer Society that shows that about 72% are affected by hepatitis B virus and 12% are affected by hepatitis C virus, but these rates are gradually decreasing. This is because many middle-aged people are getting vaccinated belatedly. Currently, hepatitis B vaccination is administered to newborns according to the national vaccination program, but it was not required in the past. This is why there are still many unvaccinated middle-aged people.

Confirmation of hepatitis B antibodies that I had forgotten about… “You can find out with a blood test.”

To prevent liver cancer, it is important to create antibodies through hepatitis B virus vaccination. A vaccine for type C has not yet been developed. Hepatitis B infection status can be easily detected with a blood test. You can get vaccinated after the test. It is also a good idea to check for antibody formation. If you have hepatitis B or C virus or have liver cirrhosis, it is safe to have an abdominal ultrasound and serum alpha-fetoprotein (liver cancer marker) measurement every six months.

If symptoms appear, it progresses quite a bit… Right upper abdomen pain, abdominal bloating, weight loss, fatigue

Liver cancer is not easy to detect based on symptoms. When symptoms become clear, it is already at an advanced stage. Pain or lump in the upper right abdomen, abdominal bloating, weight loss, severe fatigue, indigestion, etc. Jaundice or ascites may suddenly become severe. Cancer is often discovered during health checkups, raising awareness of the importance of checkups.

Liver cancer caused by hepatitis B is decreasing… Beware of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

As awareness of hepatitis B and C increases, the number of liver cancer patients is gradually decreasing. On the other hand, even if you do not drink alcohol, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease caused by high-calorie, high-fat, and high-carbohydrate intake is a risk factor. The rate at which fatty liver progresses from cirrhosis to liver cancer is increasing. If you overeat and do not exercise, fat can accumulate in the liver. Alcohol also remains a risk factor. Avoid excessive drinking and control obesity and diabetes. To live a long and healthy life, you must first protect your liver.

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2024-03-07 11:51:45

#liver #cancer #middleaged #women.. #worst #habit

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