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Why Ecuadorian Mia Terán chose Colombia to continue growing as a singer and actress

At 31 years old, he has managed to have a role in the series ‘Bolívar’, opened concerts for artists such as Marc Anthony and Maluma and become part of Colombian theater

Mia Terán is a prominent singer and actress who has captured the public’s attention with his talent and versatility. Many highlight his great voice, others his performance that transmits, but Everyone agrees that she is a complete artist. His career spans a variety of genres and media, from music to acting in theater and the small screen. His ability to connect with the public and his passion for the arts They have turned her into a prominent figure in the cultural scene both in Ecuador and Colombia.

Mia Terán: The Versatility of an Ecuadorian Artist

Mia Teran was born in Quito and from a very young age she showed a deep interest in the arts, because with her parents; Cristina Rodas, Ecuadorian communicator, actress and theater producer, and Juan Carlos Terán, Ecuadorian dubbing actor, She was always surrounded by the music and theatre scene.

His training began at the local level, participating in school productions and cultural events. Later, continued his education abroadstudied musical theater at the New York Film Academy, and has also been able to make various trips that have allowed him to hone his skills and broaden his artistic horizons.

In Mia’s race Moments such as his stand out role in the series ‘Bolívar’ a production of Caracol Television and Netflix, be chorister on Andrés Cepeda’s tour ‘Cepeda in Tables’, also opened the Compadres concert (Cepeda and Fonseca) at the Rumiñahui Coliseum in Quito, Ecuador. In addition to being Opening act for several internationally renowned artists like Danny Ocean, Maluma and Marc Anthony.

Mia claims that one of the aspects most important in their professional growthbeyond training and talent, is perseverance and vocation “I feel that this is not for everyone, let’s say that several things have happened to me in life, from scams to some pretty bad moments, and yet I decided to continue here because it is what I love to do, what my soul wants to do.”

Mia arrived in Colombia as a result of its ability to explore new horizons “In Quito I had already done what I had done, and it already asked for more, it asked for more experience, a new place, new people, more challenges, so I decided to go and try my luck, and Colombia was the country that called me”

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Although larrived in the coffee lands in 2017 and managed to obtain great projects, The pandemic took her back to her native country. When the situation that had paralyzed the world passed, decided to return to Colombia and had a season in Casa E Borrero, a theatre where he is currently demonstrating his talent and ability.

His stage presence is equally remarkable. In theatre, she has participated in a variety of productions that have received positive reviews for her acting and stage presence. Her ability to adapt to different characters and genres has made her a versatile and respected actress. Among her Latest participations is located obra musical ‘Forever Young’ in which she shares the stage with actors such as Natalia Bedoya, Sandra Serrato, Camy Jiménez, Alejandro Martínez, José Manuel Ospina, among others.

On stage Not only does it come to lightu ability to bring different characters to life as ‘María Andrade’ an old woman who was marked by acting, but also, through different songs that weave the story, captivates the audience with every sung phrase that comes out of his mouth.

Between her comings and goings, the Ecuadorian has had her musical career as a main axis, It has songs that range from rock-pop to urban rhythms. His latest release is called ‘Adiós’, an intimate song that talks about how she felt before making the decision to leave alcohol behind.

Although many artists hope that the future will prepare them and give them the best it has in store for them, Mia prefers not to expect anything. “As cliché as it may sound, I want to let myself be surprised, let life surprise me. Obviously I want to continue with my career, but I don’t expect anything because expectations have been my worst enemy.”

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