A study published in the scientific journal Cell metabolism warning about the risks associated with late meals. In fact, they would promote obesity.
Eating “Spanish-style” would not be a good idea. According to a study published in the scientific journal Cell metabolismlate meals promote obesity.
As Slate reports, in the study, 16 people with high body mass followed a specific dietary protocol. One group ate at set times earlier in the day while the other ate four hours later.
The energy consumed, the blood, the appetite but also the temperature were examined and the scientists concluded that eating late had an impact on the metabolism. In fact, it promotes weight gain because calories are burned much slower and fat accumulation is therefore almost inevitable.
At the same time, eating late encourages snacking. Levels of the hunger hormone leptin tended to decrease significantly in participants who ate later. It also causes rapid weight gain. Notably, the study concluded that all of these factors combined during late meals increased the risk of obesity.