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Why don’t they open theaters even if they can? Cinema in the SER

Phase 2 of de-climbing has reached, at least, some advanced communities, such as the Basque Country, various areas of Andalusia, Galicia or Murcia. That means that starting today, Monday, May 25, the cinemas could be opened to the public with the appropriate measures. However, June 19 or 26 are the dates that are being considered for most of the movie theaters in our country to open. Although it is true, that many cinemas could do it from this Monday, when their provinces reach phase two of de-escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Most have decided to wait for the big squares to reopen, such as Madrid and Barcelona, ​​which concentrate the majority of the cinemas, since until the cinemas of those communities do, the premieres of the distributors will not arrive. Most are waiting and scheduling the films for July because they need to ensure that the rooms will be full or, at least, to the maximum capacity allowed in each phase.

Another added problem is that they were also unclear about the exact protocol. In the de-escalation document, approved by the government, only the capacity is detailed, of a third of the total for Phase 2, and that general hygiene measures will have to be respected, but nothing more. It is now known that spectators will have to wear a mask, as established by the decree published by the government last Wednesday. It also takes time to set up exits, public tickets, to see how tickets are put on sale online and with assigned seats, etc.

“Between the lack of definition of the protocols and the certainty that there will be no premieres, we will not open until the end of June or the beginning of July,” they say from EZADE, the patron saint of cinemas in the Basque Country. They have also decided to wait for Galician cinemas. The idea is that the films arrive first, and then the theaters begin to open. Especially in the case of smaller rooms. Although companies have been working on health protocols for a long time, their application is complicated. As they have known the SER, the large chains continue to figure out what to do with the use of the toilets, to ensure individual control of them and other points still unclear.

The two largest movie theater companies in our country, Cinesa and Yelmo, At the moment they have not made a decision on the matter, on whether they wait for Madrid and Barcelona to open and films begin to arrive, or open as soon as they can. “Right now since Chinese the reopening plan is being finalized, but we will have news soon, “the company explained to the SER chain. Those who will have it easier are the municipal cinemas, in small municipalities such as Durango, in the Basque Country, or on the island of La Graciosa or El Hierro, which could open with a third of the capacity and that do not have as much pressure to have movies unpublished.

In the same situation are the multiplexes of Guadalajara, belonging to Enrique González Macho, the one who was president of the Film Academy, and owner of the Renoir cinemas in Madrid. They are practically ready to face its reopening. They insist that the problem for them is that they are missing movies. The decision of the distributors to delay the most important premieres until practically July is the main obstacle that the exhibitors encounter to return to activity. The intention is to open on June 19 or 26, waiting for releases.

It is the same scheduled date for Andalusia, despite the fact that not all the provinces in the region have the same rhythm. Huelva, Cádiz, Seville, Córdoba, Jaén and Almería do pass this Monday, May 25, to Phase two of the de-escalation, but Malaga and Granada remain in Phase One. According to the Association of Audiovisual Distribution Companies of Andalusia (Aedava) , the scheduled date for the whole community, if things continue at the current rate, is to open theaters on June 26, with the required measures. In Andalusia there are 94 cinemas and 550 theaters with a capacity of more than 122,000 seats.

Both AEDABA and other film distribution companies are launching various advertising campaigns to encourage people to return to theaters and show that they are a safe and disinfected area.

At the moment, the distributors are offering movies, but not premieres; but a catalog. It is the case of Counterflow, which has already announced that it will open Verdi Cinemas from Madrid and Barcelona with Paradise cinema. Then there will be more replacements, like the restreno of Dersu Uzala, a classic of the Japanese Akira Kurosawa.

The pulse will be marked by majors. The two main releases, with which the cinemas consider it would be a good start to reopen after the coronavirus are Tenet and Mulán. Nolan’s tape, Tenet, will hit theaters on July 17, but there are last minute changes. While Lots, he remake of the classic of Disney in real action, it will do so on July 24. Two of the great blockbusters for the summer. “The first big title we all have in mind is ‘Tenet’. It is the first major movie to be scheduled worldwide from now on July 17. Then the machinery will begin to work in a spectacular way, “predicted Camilo Tarrazón, president of the Gremi d’Empresaris de Cinemes de Catalunya. Catalan cinemas are also probing June 26 as the date for the return, although they could go on to phase two before that date.

Before that, the first to do it in our country will be The Wish List, on July 3, a comedy starring Victoria Abril, Silvia Alonso and María León. In August there will be more Spanish premieres, two of the films that were going to compete in the Malaga Festival will premiere in that month. One is David’s Ilundain, One for all, and also the Spanish superhero tape Secret origins, by Daniel Galindo Galán.

Another fear for theaters is that the viewer will not respond. According to a survey conducted in the United States, 70% of viewers prefer to see a home premiere rather than go to theaters, even if the price is the same and containment measures for the coronavirus are reduced.

This is a report from the firm specialized in shows and sporting events Performance Research, which specifies that the majority of the consulted public will avoid attending large-scale events for a long period, even when the authorities indicate that it is safe. This response follows the trend of all the research, which determines that for 60% of the respondents, the idea of ​​attending a large public event “will generate fear for a long time.”

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