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“Why Dogs Eat Grass: Understanding the Braakreflex and Its Causes”


By eating grass, the dog triggers a vomiting reflex, but eating grass is not harmful in itself. Unfortunately, it can lead to annoying things. For example, long blades of grass can cause problems with defecation, for example because a blockage occurs. There may also be parasites in the grass that the dog ingests as soon as he or she eats the grass.

Note the frequency

If your dog eats grass once, it can be a signal that your dog is nauseous or has a stomach ache. If it stays with one time, it doesn’t have to mean anything bad. Usually the animal has to vomit afterwards and then the complaints will be resolved. But it is of course wise to keep a close eye on your dog, his or her stomach activity and the tendency to snack on the grass.

Chronic stomach or intestinal problem

If a dog regularly eats grass and then vomits, this could indicate a chronic problem with his stomach or intestines. Do you also recognize other signals such as bubbling intestines, diarrhoea, belching, swallowing or flatulence? Then this may indicate that your dog is not completely okay. In that case, it is smart to go to the vet so that he or she can find out if something is wrong. This is often done on the basis of a blood test or endoscopy.

Not always worrying

Many people say that it always means something bad when dogs eat grass: they are said to be nutritionally deficient or sick and want to vomit. A 2008 study showed, however, that this is a myth. The study showed that less than 10% of the dogs that ate grass suffered from stomach or intestinal diseases. Less than a quarter of the dogs that ate grass actually vomited. It is therefore quite normal that dogs sometimes eat grass and it does not have to be a reason to panic. It may even be a quirk, inherited from their wild, untamed ancestors.

Playfulness or vice

Young dogs often eat grass out of playfulness and in adult dogs it could even be a sign of mischief or boredom! If you want to test whether this is the case with your dog, you can try to distract him with a toy while walking or you can add vegetables to his meal yourself.

Keep in mind that, although eating grass is harmless in itself, it can cause annoying complications that your pet does not realize!

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