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Why does the city of Montluçon (Allier) want to transfer its archives and its museum collections to a heritage center?

At its last meeting on Tuesday, June 29, the municipal council of Montluçon (Allier) approved the launch of a programming study for the transfer of reserves from the collections of the city museum and municipal archives to a heritage center.

The city plans to create this center in the former premises of the company S2MI, avenue du Président Auriol.

Unsatisfactory storage conditions and a lack of spaceThe Robert Parant Fund overflows from the shelves of the castle which is also stocked with the museum’s collections. Photo Cécile Champagnat

This transfer project was born from the observation that the collections of the municipal museum (created in 1959), joined in 2013 by those of the Mupop, were not stored in satisfactory conditions.

A large part of the museum’s collections is kept at the Château des Ducs de Bourbon, which also houses the museum’s documentation center and the offices of the Conservation department.

“The storage areas are not suitable and the castle is packed. Collections must have been stored in the cellars of the Château de la Louvière, at the former Diamantine and France AFS factories. There are also very different things such as collections of municipal interest, photos from the Robert Parant Fund, archaeological objects. We have collections that are sensitive to humidity. We therefore end up with quality collections that are scattered and that risk being damaged. “

Alric Berton (deputy mayor in charge of culture, heritage, festivities and tourism)

Why is the Robert Parant collection, held by the city of Montluçon and which includes 40,000 photos, exceptional?

The cramped municipal archives, tooThe paper is fragile and requires special storage conditions. Photo Florian Salesse

Municipal archives also lacking space at the Boris-Vian media library and the paper in front be kept under specific conditions, these documents will also join this pole.

“We’re going to centralize everything. This will allow us to have an exact overview of our collections. This will facilitate the functioning of the teams because everything will be in the same place. It will be much more practical when we want to set up exhibitions, for example. “

alric Berton

A larger project to obtain the City of Art and History label

This study for the creation of a heritage center is part of a more global project that is the candidacy of the city of Montluçon for the label City of Art and History.

The space freed up by the transfer of the museum’s collections will make it possible to create at the castle of the Dukes of Bourbon an architecture and heritage interpretation center (CIAP), element necessary to obtain this label.

“The creation of the heritage center is part of a real desire to commit to the architecture and heritage of Montluçon. We think about the project well in the long term. We must indeed anticipate the good conditions of conservation of our current collections, but also of those to come. You cannot build something only to realize later that there is already a lack of space or that the conservation conditions are not suitable. “

Alric Berton

Four things to know about the replacement of the windows of the castle of the Dukes of Bourbon in Montluçon (Allier)

The result of the study at the end of the yearThe former S2MI premises have many advantages for accommodating the heritage center. Photo Florian Salesse

The outcome of the planning study for the transfer of collections and archives should be known at the end of the year. Its cost is 38,000 euros.

The creation project may benefit froma 40% subsidy by the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs (Drac) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and D’another, between 10 and 30%, by the Interministerial Service of Archives of France (SIAF).

The former S2MI premises have several advantages for accommodating the heritage center. The buildings on the left bank are outside a Seveso zone. Spanning over 2,900 m², they are easy to access and have an unloading dock. “For now, it’s an empty shell. A programmer works on the needs of today and those of tomorrow, ”says the deputy.

For the creation of the CIAP, the municipality knows that a big work of rehabilitation awaits it inside the castle. “If we can empty the castle, we will be able to work inside and restore it to value. We know that he suffered a lot when he was a barracks, ”laments Alric Berton.

Florence Farina: text
Cécile Champagnat and Florian Salesse: pictures

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