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Why does SCPI have a golden age in 2020?

SCPI or digital real estate are enjoying growing success in 2020. For what reasons? Decryption!

In the COVID-19 post-crisis context, French and European investors are more attentive to risk taking and are looking for profitable and resilient real estate investments to invest their money over the long term.

The yield SCPI has experienced a spectacular collection rebound for almost 10 years. This “made in France” real estate savings investment currently weighs more than 65 billion and has already won over 1 million savers. Simple, durable and profitable, it has demonstrated its resistance to the coronavirus crisis which has also had a heavy impact on the global financial markets. Let’s discover what are the success factors of SCPI in the world of savings in 2020?

Why does SCPI gain market share in 2020?

While Generation Z and baby boomers bought physical real estate for rent to individuals, Generation Y investors are investing in digital real estate through SCPI or civil real estate investment companies.

This new technique of investing in real estate through SCPI shares dates from the 1960s, but it was massively digitalized only very recently, which attracts “digital native” investors, who do not have time to buy and manage real estate and tenants directly.

The yield SCPI makes it possible to become the owner of a rental property stock, managed and valued by a management company on behalf of shareholder partners. In return for their investment, the latter receive rent on a quarterly basis.

Buy SCPIs to escape the constraints of property management

Savers are more and more busy with their work and their personal life, which does not leave them enough time to take care of the purchase of an apartment and its rental management. They massively prefer to delegate this time-consuming part.

By purchasing shares in SCPI, management is delegated to a management company, approved by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), which is responsible in particular for finding new rental assets, leasing and collecting rents from tenants. The purchase of SCPI shares appears to be the ideal solution for investors looking for management comfort!

Invest in diversified and shared digital real estate through SCPIs

Buy some parts de SCPI means significantly diversifying your heritage:

  • Geographically: SCPIs invest in France, but also in Europe to seize the opportunities available to them.
  • At the typological scale: SCPIs can invest in offices, but also in shops, warehouses, business buildings or nursing homes.
  • On a thematic scale: the performance SCPIs have been distinguished for several years by their thematic and diversifies in particular on promising sectors such as health, E-commerce, ecology or education.

At the same time, the SCPIs rent their property to a multitude of tenants, which provides investors with strong rental and asset pooling, synonymous with controlled risk.

For comparison, with an initial capital of 200,000 euros, an individual can acquire a rental studio in Paris or buy several SCPIs and thus become the owner of assets weighing several billion euros.

“At the moment, investors who call us on +33 (1) 44 56 00 23 are asking for multi-thematic real estate investments through the SCPI Eurovalys (Germany), SCPI Pierval Santé (health) or SCPI Activimmo (E-commerce). These yield SCPIs are indeed resilient and offer favorable prospects for the years to come. ” says Gabriela Kockova, manager at The SCPI Central, French fintech N ° 1 dedicated to SCPI and digital real estate.

Prepare your future projects thanks to the SCPI of yield

The projects to prepare its numerous and vary according to the generations. They all come together on a priority: make the most of your available savings and prepare for your retirement. Indeed, the returns of traditional savings vehicles yield less than inflation and the pension funds are empty.

The SCPI fits perfectly into this strategy: by buying SCPI shares, investors secure additional income over the long term, while enhancing their capital. The latter is also transferable to heirs thanks to the life-long dismemberment of the bare ownership of SCPI shares.

Get information from the independent digital platform: La Centrale des SCPI at +33 (1) 44 56 00 23 or on www.centraledesscpi.com.

Digital real estate investment is now aimed at all generations to help them grow their capital and anticipate their retirement. Enjoying the performance of the stone has never been easier.

“Investors from all over the world can contact us to invest in digital real estate, thanks to our high-performance digital tools, making it easier to set up and monitor investment in SCPI.” concludes Laurent Fages, senior consultant at La Centrale des SCPI.

Discover in video the operating mechanisms of a SCPI:


Investment in a SCPI is not guaranteed, either from the point of view of dividends received or from that of capital preservation. SCPIs depend on fluctuations in the real estate markets.
Before making any decision to buy SCPI units, seek professional advice to be certain that this investment corresponds to your wealth profile.
Finally, like any property investment, take into account that SCPIs are long-term investments whose minimum holding period cannot be less than eight years.

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