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why does science care?

Just under one in two French people (44.5%) say they are satisfied with the size of their penis. Not long enough, not wide enough… Many men would like other sizes for their sexes. However, the average size of the latter has increased considerably in recent years!

According to a recent study, conducted by Dr. Michael L. Eisenberg and his team of researchers from Stanford University (USA), the average penis size increased by 24% between 1942 and 2021. To reach these conclusions , American scientists looked at 75 studies on penis size. In total, the measurements of 55,761 men (aged between 18 and 86) were screened.

A global phenomenon

Credit Photo – Pexels/charlesdeluvio©

The authors of the study are formal: the average size of erect penises has increased from 12.27cm to 15.23cm over the past 29 years. In just a few decades, the male penis has gained several centimeters. Moreover, the phenomenon would not be “not isolated to a specific population”says Michael Eisenberg.

A real surprise, since this increase is considerable. After having observed it, the researchers then sought to explain it. And if some might rejoice, researchers do not see a good eye this growth of the male machine.

“Something powerful is happening”

Indeed, according to Dr. Einsenberg, this phenomenon could “ be an indicator that environmental exposures—such as environmental pollutants or increased sedentary lifestyles—cause reproductive-related changes. There could be a number of factors at play, such as exposure to chemicals like pesticides or hygiene products, which interact with our hormonal systems. »

This explanation, which remains to be proven, worries the American professor of urology. ” Any global change in development is worrisome, as our reproductive system is one of the most important parts of human biology. If we observe such a rapid change, it means that something powerful is happening in our body. »

Nothing very reassuring, then. Especially when you know that the testosterone level and the sperm count of men have been dropping drastically in recent years. A decrease that science explains by… The same endocrine disruptors cited by Dr. Eisenberg for increasing the average size of the penis. There is therefore (almost) no longer any doubt: modern environmental exposures have an impact on men’s health.

Simon hope

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