O’Higgins de Rancagua had a resounding debut in the Primera B of national women’s soccer. The light blue team, technically trained by Manuel Alarcón, overcame Deportes Santa Cruz, as the victory was cemented with a final 7-0.
From the beginning, the local team noted its supremacy over the unionists. With a good game at ground level, the “Capitas” warned that they wanted the game, because in the 12th minute Sandy Álvarez stole a ball from the right of the attack, took advantage of the poor Santa Cruz start and with a kick beat the visiting figure , goalkeeper Tamara Machuca. The goalkeeper’s performance was key to avoiding an even greater defeat.
With the score at 1-0, the defensive flank of the foreigners opened and in the 14th minute, Almay Cerpa scored a great goal with a mid-distance shot that slipped through the far post.
The two-goal advantage did not detract from the home team’s idea of the game, as they went forward to continue putting pressure on a team that lacked the physicality to fight for the game.
Later, in the 30th minute, Álvarez scored his second personal goal after receiving the ball alone in front of the goal and finishing with class. Thus, with the score 3-0 they went to half-time.
In the complement, O’Higgins also sealed the match with the contribution of the rival, since the Santa Cruzans – who arrived with only two alternative players, one of them the substitute goalkeeper – were left with 10 players in the 58th minute.
After that, and four minutes after entering, Victoria Herrera established the 4-0 (62′) already irrecoverable for the visit.
In addition, Alejandra Manzo scored a double in the 69′ and 88′, plus Diana Quezada’s goal (84′), determined the final 7-0 win.
A good incentive for the Rancagüinas who returned to the competition after being relegated the previous year, and for the unionists it urges them to continue working to improve in the various aspects where they saw their duty. (PHOTOS: Nico Carrasco).
Match sheet
O’Higgins FC (7): Arlette Flores, Aracely Castillo, Simoney Valenzuela, Thiare Orosco, Gabriela Rojas (87 minutes), Natalie Rivera, Yessi Valenzuela, Antonia Huerta, Almay Cerpa (58 minutes), Diana Quezada, Sandy Alvarez (58 minutes, Victoria Herrera) . . . . DT: Manuel Alarcón.
Sports Santa Cruz (0): Tamara Machuca, Janara Arriagada, Yasna Aliaga, Belén Vargas (46′, Mayllen Córdova), Darlin Vargas, Antonella Seballos, Antonella Espinoza, Francisca Fuentes, Jennifer Cornejo, Carolina Olivares, Anaís Gaete. Coach: Christian Benitez.
Referees: Mauro Muñoz, Claudio Toledo, Maximiliano Cáceres, Jaime Vera.
Cautioned: There wasn’t.
Goals: 1-0, 12′, Álvarez; 2-0, 14′, Cerpa; 3-0, 30′, Álvarez; 4-0, 62′, Huerta; 5-0, 69′, Manzo; 6-0, 84′, Quezada; 7-0, 88′, Manso.
Estadio: Celeste Monastery, Requínoa.

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