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Why does a football star travel on a regular bus? (Film, Sport, laugh)

The criticism of the organization of the 2024 European Football Championship in Germany is comprehensive and multifaceted. While the sporting level of the games is highly praised, there is also great dissatisfaction with the organizational aspects of the event.

Organizational deficienciesInfrastructure problems

A key problem is the inadequate infrastructure in the stadiums. Particularly striking were the reports of leaky roofs and inadequate water drainage systems in the arenas, which were overwhelmed in heavy rain. Videos and images of stadiums in which water flowed from the stands and collected on the pitch quickly spread on social media. The Signal Iduna Park in Dortmund, one of the main venues, was particularly affected by these problems. Workers had to remove the water using simple household appliances such as floor mops, which was considered embarrassing and unprofessional.


Another significant problem was public transport. After the match between Serbia and England at FC Schalke’s stadium in Gelsenkirchen, tens of thousands of fans waited for hours for trains that were overcrowded due to a lack of capacity and poor planning. The bottleneck led to dangerous situations, especially on the few pedestrian bridges that led fans to the station. Similar scenes were repeated at other match venues, causing great frustration and safety concerns among fans.

Security problems and violence

The organizational deficiencies also continued in the area of ​​security. Violent clashes between fans broke out in several stadiums. The conflicts between Serbian and English fans and later between Turkish and Georgian supporters were particularly violent. These riots often spread to the surrounding streets. The police and security services seemed overwhelmed and were often unable to contain the violence. The situation escalated to such an extent that the Serbian Football Association threatened to withdraw from the European Championship if the incidents were not seriously punished.

International reactions

The international media and football commentators were harshly critical of the organisation. It was questioned whether Germany really had the organisational skills and the famous “German precision” to manage such a major event. Former Egyptian football star Mohamed Aboutrika was also critical, pointing out that the European Championship was a sporting success but an organisational disaster.


The 2024 European Championship in Germany is seen as a sporting success, but suffers from significant organizational weaknesses. These range from infrastructural problems in the stadiums to significant deficiencies in public transport to security problems and violent riots. The criticism is extensive and sharp, and it remains to be seen whether and how the organizers will respond to the problems in the remaining tournament time

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