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Why do you watch movie hits on your cell phone?

Secretly, quietly and quietly, a revolution is literally taking place in front of us all, a streaming revolution. It looks like the way we watch movies and series will change forever. And I just don’t understand that. A comment by Felix Gräber.


The revolution has crept up bit by bit. For many people that is Smartphone from the simple mobile phone for a long time has become an all-round companion in everyday life – also to the pocket cinema. You only have to look around the street to see that hardly anyone is opposing this trend. Still there are things with which the smartphone cannot replace other devices for me. I work on a PC or notebook, gamble on the console and watch films and series on the Smart TV – unfortunately it doesn’t work in the cinema at the moment.

Smart TV vs. smartphone: There is a stalemate when streaming

Apparently I will soon belong to a minority: We are all currently experiencing a change. A fleeting moment of technological progress passes us by without us really realizing it. Because it is just as popular to watch films and series via the app on the smartphone as it is on the television. I don’t understand that.

In the current “Global Consumer Survey” by Statista is recorded: 54 percent of those surveyed watch “digital video content” on their smartphones. That’s not only more than half, but also exactly identical with the proportion of those who use their Smart TV. 54 percent to 54 percent – a delicate balance of forces that leads me to the question: Why only?

Why do people watch videos on their smartphones? Just watch a cat video on YouTube during the coffee break or maybe you got one via WhatsApp – I understand that. But beyond that I lack the imagination to imagine why I should prefer the smartphone to the television – or a tablet, that’s what 31 percent said they trust as a device.

Of course there are commuters who watch an episode of their current favorite series while on the train. With home office compulsory and exit restrictions, their share is likely to be low at the moment. So am I supposed to believe that there are people who sit at home and turn off the TV and watch a movie on Netflix or Disney + on their cell phones? I hope I am wrong.

In the video: Streaming services in comparison.

Smartphones just can’t keep up with streaming

I remember a few well personal, big movie moments: In “Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace” when the film reel broke in the cinema during the Podracer race of all places. As I did after Part 1 of the Transformers series with hands trembling with adrenaline staggered back into daylight. The unbelievably impressive 3D worlds from “Avatar: Departure to Pandora”, for which I paid the heavy cinema prices several times.

Much of it is already lost when you are forced to switch from the cinema screen to the television at home. But looking at blockbusters on a few-inch smartphone display? Or award-winning series that should captivate you with their atmosphere? Admire acting performances in the smallest format? This is really not a big cinema.

Note: The opinions expressed in this article are solely the views of the author and are not necessarily the position of the entire GIGA editorial team.

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