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Why do you have to climb at least 50 steps a day while singing?

New challenge for the start of the school year: climb the stairs as soon as you can. This is a challenge labeled “Great National Cause” organized until the end of September by the Heart and Research Foundation. It’s simple, you have to climb at least 50 steps per day. There is no competition. The important thing is to do it every day, at his own pace, preferably quite fast, and if possible singing.

This is a very effective exercise. By doing it, you don’t win a medal, but you fight against a sedentary lifestyle and improve your physical condition and overall health.

Climb at least 50 steps every day, the equivalent of 5 floors, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 20%. This is what has shown an american study published in September 2023 and involving more than 450,000 people. Stair climbing is a good way to improve your heart health and breathing.

This also helps to reduce bad cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Let us remember that cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death after the age of 65.

Should you climb 50 steps in a row?

No need to climb the 50 steps in one go, but in the course of the day. “On the other hand, it is advisable to climb them fairly quickly, so as to be a little out of breath, but without this preventing speaking or singing“, underlines Professor François Carré, cardiologist and member of the Heart and Research Foundation.

Singing is not mandatory. It’s just to get an idea of ​​his level of breathlessness. “If you can hum a few words of your favorite song, that means you’re at a moderate intensity,” says the cardiologist. The first few days, it may seem difficult, but once you get trained, you get better and better at it.

The cardiorespiratory benefits of exercise are generally seen in feel from three to four weeks. The advantage of stair climbing is that it is both an endurance and muscle strengthening exercise.

The idea of ​​this challenge is to make climbing stairs a routine and that we avoid taking the elevator or escalator whenever possible.

Look for the stairs

The elevator or escalator is often easier to find. Stairs are not always well marked.. But it is worth trying to take them, because not only is it good for the cardiovascular system, but It is also beneficial for bone health and it gives power to the legs.

Plus, not holding on to the banister engages the stabilizing muscles in your back and abdomen. And if you’re in a hurry, it’ll save you time in the long run. Several studies have shown that getting into the habit of taking the stairs is linked to an increase in life expectancy.

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