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Why do we need bottled poison ?, says Gatell in Chiapas, where more Coca-Cola is drunk

Chiapas is the region of the world where Coca-Cola is consumed the most. On average, each person of the entity drinks 821.25 liters per year, reported in 2019 a study by the Center for Multidisciplinary Research on Chiapas and the Southern Border (CIMSUR).

Mexico City, July 18 (However) .– Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, head of the Undersecretariat for Prevention and Health Promotion, stated this day that to preserve the health of Mexicans, who today face the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to leave out of the feeding soft drinks and other industrialized products.

“Why do we need bottled poison, soda poison? Why do we need donuts, cupcakes, chips that bring toxic food and environmental pollution? The bottles go to rivers and then to the sea, ”he said during the start of the local community health intervention strategy in Chiapas.

Chiapas is the region of the world where Coca-Cola is consumed the most. On average, each person of the entity drinks 821.25 liters per year, reported in 2019 a study by the Center for Multidisciplinary Research on Chiapas and the Southern Border (CIMSUR). This situation is related to the high prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the region, which has been the main cause of death in the last decade.

“Obesity, diabetes and hypertension are silent diseases that can lead to great complications. Anyone with diabetes should take care of themselves every day, and not just with medicine. It’s not just going to the health center and being prescribed, and getting me out of there with medicine; no, what do we eat, how much salt do we put in the food, enough of the salt. Food already brings salt. How much sugar do the drinks bring… ”, explained López-Gatell Ramírez in front of Zoé Robledo Aburto, director of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).

“Mexico’s health would be different if we had been fooled by the lifestyles that come from television and are heard on the radio as if it were happiness. They are called games that are bottled, but they are not juices. It is sugar paint, “added the official.

Every time an adult person drinks four 600 milliliter bottles of this soft drink, they are ingesting an amount equivalent to 50 coffee tablespoons of sugar of five grams each, that is, they consume more than 500 percent of the recommended daily intake of sugars , according to estimates by the civil organization, El Poder del Consumidor.


Mexico is the country with the highest mortality of young adults from COVID-19, reported this week Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, head of the Undersecretariat for Prevention and Promotion of Health. The above, added the official, is due to chronic diseases that affect the population caused by food patterns that have dominated the nation for decades.

“Mexico, indisputably, the scientific evidence is clear, consistent and prolonged … Mexico has suffered one of the largest epidemics of chronic diseases and the fundamental causes are in lifestyles, but when it comes to lifestyles, it must be clear that it is not about individual preferences. It is about the built environment, how cities are organized, how there is a preferential use of the car, where there are not enough public spaces to carry out physical activity, among other factors, ”explained the official during the press conference at the National Palace. From Mexico City.

The most important factor is the unhealthy diet that depends on the oversupply of industrialized products, of very low nutritional quality, with high caloric content, which is called junk food, including sugary drinks, explained López-Gatell.

“Mexico has sometimes been the first or second place in soft drink consumption, also in the first or second place in epidemics of overweight and diabetes. And today Mexico is the country that suffers the highest mortality in young adults from COVID-19 because COVID affects people with this type of disease. 81 percent of people who die from COVID have one of the chronic diseases that have been caused by these eating patterns that have been prevailing in Mexico for more than 30 years, “he added.

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