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Why do we drink caña con ruda on August 1st: a very Argentine tradition

The month of August is here, often referred to as the “eternal month”. With it come changes in temperature, and also some Argentine traditions that are renewed year after year. We are talking, of course, about the famous cane with ruewho is already preparing to go out onto the field.

This ritual is considered one of the most popular in Argentina, as it is believed that it not only drives away envy and curses, but also attracts health and good luck.

Yes ok It emerged in northern Argentina and had its epicenter in Misiones and Corrientes, the tradition spread throughout the country and is now present in every corner of Argentina.

The cane with rue It is always taken on August 1st, which is also the Pachamama Day. This celebration focuses on thanking Mother Earth, blessing the fruits offered, and also asking for what we need. In addition, according to the worldview of the Andean peoples, It is a date when Mother Earth begins a rest and replenishes herself for the rest of the year.

Why do people drink cane with rue?

The drink and the date chosen are not a matter of chance. First of all, you have to know that it is an ancient tradition that comes from the original townsespecially those located on the coast and in the north of the country.


The tradition of sugarcane with rue was born among the indigenous Andean peoples and is still maintained today.

Rue was chosen because several of those settlers pointed out that had medicinal properties. They used it to combat gastrointestinal discomfort, soothe heartburn, eliminate parasites and even prevent skin irritation after bug bites.

As for the date, the first day of August was chosen because it is a month in which the strong rainsThis, combined with the winter cold, caused numerous illnesses and deaths in both the population and animals.

Once the tradition was established, everything around the ritual logically grew and currently more properties are attributed to it. For example, combat envy and bad luck.

It is often said that who takes sugarcane with rue You will have a more “tranquil” and prosperous year; while those who do not drink this infusion will face a somewhat more complicated season.

Pachamama, the protagonist

In addition to this context of diseases at the beginning of August, there is also the end of the “dry” seasons, which is why it is also considered a thank you to Pachamama for the fertility of the land and the crops.


In fact, in the ritual of the cane with rue, which has a whole way of consumption, there is a moment of gratitude: It is suggested to “offer the earth a drink” of the liquid. Many people take advantage of the opportunity to pour a little water into a flower pot or throw it into the yard.

Yes indeeddo not despair: Although tradition dictates that it should be taken on August 1st (and in many cases, they say, on an empty stomach), the truth is that many versions indicate that it can be drunk until the 15th of the same month.

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