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Why do so few people realize that Mars is capable of humming?

photo/2023/03/17/mars-bersenandungjpg-20230317115354.jpg?resize=360%2C240&ssl=1" alt="Ilmuwan temukan suara bersenandung yang datang dari Mars. Apa itu?"/>

Scientists find humming sound coming from Mars. What’s that? (SpaceX/pexels)

Bobo.id – NASA’s robotic geologists discovered that the red planet Mars can hum.

The hum is intermittently quiet and constant, which is known to originate from its cold, dusty surface.

However, the source of the buzzing sound from Planet Mars is not really known.

Through its official website, NASA shares sound recordings from Planet Mars that were recorded by a microphone SuperCam.

If friends want to know how the hum recording from Planet Mars sounds, click link following.

The hum from Mars was first detected by a spacecraft landing Insight.

This research into Martian sound is described in a series of five studies published in Nature Geoscience and Nature Communications.

Aircraft Insight landed on Planet Mars in November 2018.

Since that, Insight has used highly sensitive seismometers and additional instruments to help scientists understand the geological activity and internal structure of Mars.

Thanks to the plane Insight In this way, scientists on Earth can find out how Mars has evolved over time.

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