Guest of RTLINFO 13H, Michel Cymes spoke about the cold and illnesses of winter. The doctor explains that you should not think that you are going to get sick, because “you go out with wet hair or walk barefoot on the tiles, that is not possible“.
But on the other hand, what is likely is that the immune system that is “less effective because of the cold“. “So if a virus enters your body, it will be attacked less quickly than if your body temperature is normal.“said the doctor.
The cold is not very good for the immune system, he explains. The reason we often get sick in winter is “that there are more viruses, but on condition that it is not too cold, because otherwise there is no virus and in winter there is more promiscuity. You are more inside. You meet more people. For example, during lockdowns there were very few colds because people did not pass each other“.