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Why do I say no to the mandatory vaccine

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00:00 The theme of the newspapers today ismandatory vaccine. Sileri, whom I generally appreciate, says in today’s press that if one Italian out of three does not, it must be made mandatory. For Ichino, then, the employer can fire those who do not vaccinate. Chinese stuff. I never thought I’d be closer to the positions of the Grillini ministers.
04:53 One in five operators does not want to get the vaccine. And here too the answer is that of obligatory.
05:25 But let’s be clear: i no vax they horrify me. Also for the violence that characterizes them, as evidenced by the violence shown towards the vaccinated nurse. Ferrara on the sheet that explains the liberticidal folly of making the vaccine mandatory. Knock knock but a few liberals around are left? I get vaccinated as soon as possible, but I will defend my neighbor’s right not to get vaccinated until death.
06:35 Meanwhile, i Germans buy 30 million more doses. I understand Scaccabarozzi, head of Farmindustria, who has to be cautious, but his interview today in Corriere, which says enough controversy about delays, gives a sense of the courage of our ruling class.
09:50 Delayed vaccines, now the excuse is bad weather.
10:35 The comments of the diners.
11:50 am Renzi and the government crisis: for the Corriere the former Scrapper raises the tone, for the Fact it is the usual drama.
13:30 The uncertainties about the school.
13:50 “Arcuri has made another”, headlines Bechis about the call for hiring health workers.
14:15 three final news: Wonder Woman beats Nolan’s Tenet at the box office; the mysterious death of the king of video games; the fabulous interview with Sanguinetti on Corsera.

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