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Why Do Heart Attacks Affect Young People?

Heart attacks are usually identical in older age groups.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Heart attacks are usually identical experienced by the older age group. However, lately heart attack It can also be found in younger individuals.

A patient named Arvind Rao, for example, never thought he would experience heart problems at the age of only 33 years. The reason is that Rao is used to living a healthy life, exercising every day, not smoking, and consuming alcohol very rarely.

Once, Rao felt pain in his upper abdomen. Rao thought the pain was caused by his increased food intake in the past two days.

When the pain didn’t go away, Rao decided to see a doctor. The results of the examination showed that Rao had a mild heart attack. Fortunately, doctors took quick action and Rao survived.

Not long ago, a heart attack also hit Indian actor Sidharth Shukla who was still 40 years old and caused his death. Apart from being young, Shukla also looks healthy.

A heart attack otherwise known as a myocardial infarction occurs when the blood supply to a coronary artery decreases due to a blockage. This blockage is caused by plaque breaking up inside the blood vessels.

Plaque that builds up in the arteries can rupture when a person is overworked, stressed, or experiences overactive sympathetic activity. A heart attack that is not treated quickly can lead to cardiac arrest.

There are various risk factors that can trigger a heart attack. Some of them are obesity, hypertension, smoking habits, taking illegal drugs, and a family history of heart disease.

In the younger age group, heart attacks are also driven by several unhealthy habits that are widely applied by them. For example, sedentary or inactive lifestyle, fast food eating habits, and exposure to stress.

Stress is a risk factor for heart attacks that should not be ignored in the younger generation. Consultant cardiology and electrophysiology at Manipal Hospitals Dr Sandesh Prabhu said today many young people are in high-stress and highly stressful jobs.

This condition is further exacerbated by long working hours, no balance of work and personal life, to a lack of physical activity. The Covid-19 pandemic has also contributed to the increasing stress experienced by many young people.

Family history also plays an important role. If there are family members who have hypertension, heart disease, or diabetes, the risk of heart attack needs to be watched out for. Young people with a family history of this type should undergo early medical screening. For those who have a family history of this kind, health screening should be done once every two years starting from the age of 35 years.

There are several things that can help prevent a heart attack. One of them is doing physical activity for 30 minutes per day, such as jogging, walking, or other cardio.

Stay away from various bad habits such as smoking and unhealthy eating patterns. Increase consumption of fiber-rich foods, manage stress, and maintain a healthy weight.

Dr Prabhu also said many of the younger generation feel themselves healthy. Therefore, if they experience chest pain or pain in the upper abdomen, they do not immediately think of a heart attack.

“It’s better to (think a heart attack) then prove that it’s not,” said Dr Prabhu, as reported by The News Minute, Wednesday (8/9).

Some of the symptoms of a heart attack to watch out for are chest pain that occurs suddenly and usually radiates to the left arm, difficulty breathing, and suddenly feeling tired. New symptoms that appear in people with hypertension and diabetes also need to be watched out for.

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