Two attempted murders have been dealt with in Ostrobothnia’s district court. One and the same man is the victim in one incident and the accused in another.
- The prosecutor demands imprisonment for a 25-year-old man who lunged at the police with a knife on November 24, 2023 in Vaasa.
- Two days earlier, the man himself was the victim of a stabbing.
- The prosecutor sentenced an 18-year-old woman to prison for attempting to kill a man.
According to the prosecutor, a 25-year-old man from Vaasa who had just been released from the hospital tried to hit a police officer in the neck with a serrated knife in November 2023 in the Ristinnummi district of Vaasa. The man had been in the hospital because he had been stabbed two days earlier.
On November 24, the police received a report that a man was beating, kicking and knocking on the door of an apartment building and cursing and demanding that the door be opened. The man also knocked on the other door. The resident behind it reported the disturbance to the emergency center.
When the troublemaker went upstairs, the resident who notified the emergency center saw that the man had his back turned.
The man approached from behind
The policeman managed to dodge so that the blow made a scratch on the shoulder of his jacket. Police preliminary investigation material
The constable who arrived first was at the informant’s door when he noticed the man approaching him from behind.
The officer told the man to show his hands because he was holding his hand behind his back. The distance was less than a meter when the man took a knife from behind his back.
The constable pushed the man further, but he managed to hit the policeman. The knife scratched the policeman’s jacket at the shoulder. According to the prosecutor, the man tried to hit the police officer in the neck.
The policeman took out his service weapon and moved down the stairs. At the same time, the knife-wielding man started up the stairs. The man ignored the police order.
While getting up, the man hit the iron railing of the stairwell with a knife. He went inside his apartment.
The remote control didn’t work
The police got into the man’s apartment by tearing off the security lock on the front door. Police preliminary investigation material
Other police patrols also came to the scene. The man cracked open the door of his apartment. According to the police preliminary investigation report, he sometimes shouted through the door about the murder and sometimes asserted his innocence.
When the man opened the door and came outside the doorway, the police used a remote alarm. However, it didn’t work, instead the man went back to his apartment to scream and rage.
The man opened the door again, but kept the safety lock closed. Finally, the police got into the apartment by pulling the security lock off the wall.
The man strongly resisted arrest. It took three policemen to handcuff the man. The rambunctious man had to be carried down the stairs and he continued to rage even in the police car.
The police had to hold the man by the hands and feet even later. The man also informed the police that he knew their names and threatened to kill them all.
Weak memories
A shoe print was found in the basement recess of the stairwell of the apartment building, which matched the shoes of the man accused of attempted murder. Police preliminary investigation material
The prosecutor demands that the man be imprisoned for attempted murder and violently resisting an official.
The man denies the charges. In his written answer to the district court, he tells the district court that his memories of the night of the event are weak. He had been released from the hospital the same day and he was medicated and intoxicated.
According to his own understanding, he was in the stairwell looking for his dog when he was reported to the emergency center. He denies that he pointed the knife at the police. He also says that he did not know that the lone plainclothes man in the stairwell was a police officer.
The man considers that even if he had acted, as the prosecutor has presented, it is not an attempted murder, but at most an attempted assault.
As a victim myself
Traces of blood in the snow where the man was stabbed. Police preliminary investigation material
The man who lunged at the police with a knife was himself the victim of a stabbing on November 22, when an 18-year-old woman hit him in the chest and back with a kitchen knife. Both knew each other from before and they lived in the same neighborhood.
The quarrel between the two started already two days earlier. According to the prosecutor, the man hit the woman in the face so that she got a black eye. The man has denied the beating.
Later, the woman went to the man’s place to drink kilyu. On the day of the stabbing, they went together to the Teeriniemi district, where the stabbing took place.
The man took a knife from his apartment and gave it to the woman in her bag.
The woman accused of attempted murder left the scene by bus. There were traces of blood in his place. Police preliminary investigation material
According to the woman, she had lost her temper with the man. He stabbed the man in the chest and back with a knife. Although the wounds remained relatively superficial, they bled a lot. The prosecutor described the knife attacks as potentially life-threatening. According to him, the woman also kicked the victim who was on the ground.
The woman told the police during questioning that the man had tried to cheat her, but did not open up about the matter further.
After the violence, the woman went home by bus, where she washed the knife.
– Why did you wash the knife? the police asked during the interrogation.
– Because it was dirty, the woman answered.
The police arrested him soon after the incident.
You wanted to hurt
The police found the knife with which the man was stabbed washed in the sink. Police preliminary investigation material
The prosecutor demands that the woman be imprisoned for attempted murder and other lesser crimes. Alternatively, the prosecutor demands a sentence for aggravated assault.
In her written response, the woman says that she thinks the stabbing has nothing to do with attempted murder, because it is about two “twitches”.
She admits in her answer that she wanted to hurt the man. Since the deed was done with a bladed weapon, he admits aggravated assault.
The District Court of Ostrobothnia will give its verdict on both cases in March.
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