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Why did Trump surprise a second time with strong support? Hidden voters spoke

“Admitting that you’re voting for Trump is such a new coming out,” a friend from Texas writes to me in the middle of US election night, pointing out that each of us has someone around us who has cast his vote for the current president, but they keep it a secret.

We start the discussion after I come across many terrified voices on Facebook asking, how is it possible that Trump has so much support? We are dealing with interim results at the moment when it seems that the current president will defend his position as a whole. At that time, the Internet was already teeming with celebrated and contented Republicans and disappointed, devastated Democrats on the other.

But then, on Wednesday morning, after a short break, the voices began to count again, and the pendulums of the scales began to slowly tip to the other side. After four years, America is again asking how it is possible that the pre-election polls have cut quite significantly for the second time in a row. When in 2016, just a few hours after the polls closed, it was clear that the predictions would not come true, journalists and disappointed voters threw a great deal of blame on research companies. Since then, they have stated many times that they have adjusted the methodology of the work sufficiently so that such large deviations cannot occur this year.

Not all the votes have been counted so that we have the exact numbers in hand. But we still see a clear difference. Two weeks before the election, Joe Biden had an overall lead of 7-9 percentage points, according to various polls. Instead, the day after the polls closed, we are witnessing a very balanced fight, where every vote cast is monitored. Not only will research companies have to keep working on how and who to ask, but they will also have to spend even more energy uncovering a phenomenon called “shy voter”.

“There are a lot of us hidden voters. I’m one of them and nobody knows about me. All friends are Democrat voters. I never got a chance to say my opinion out loud in a group of friends, because by the time I got to it, Republican voters and Donald Trump, respectively, were talked about as racists and freaks. ” NPR station.

Not only were Trump’s voters not, as in the past, completely honest in answering the question of who they would vote for, but they had also undergone a change in behavior over the last 4 years. Many admit that they no longer show so much affection for the president because they are being insulted and attacked by the other side. They talk about disadvantage at work, stupid jokes about their person and the like.

The first analyzes of how hidden voters affected this year’s elections show that 2020 has become even more confusing. Four years of criticism of Trump’s policies in the major world and domestic media and growing opposition to Trump in certain circles have only strengthened the conviction of hidden voters that it’s time to peel off car stickers and red caps with the distinctive inscription of Trump’s campaign at home.

And then there are those who do not normally go to the polls and do not talk about politics. Those who have simply started to prosper in the last four years and by choosing the current leader of the cabinet want to prolong good times. People working in sectors supported by the current administration, as well as those eagerly waiting for the country to reopen after the spring lockdown. They are all grateful to Trump.

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