Home » today » News » “Why did God create us and does he need our worship?” A Saudi academic answers a question that sparked an interaction

“Why did God create us and does he need our worship?” A Saudi academic answers a question that sparked an interaction

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – Social media activists interacted with a tweet posted by an account holder named Muhammad Al-Qadi, in which he asked, “Why did God create us? … to worship him. .. He needs to adore us .. No .. Then why did he create us? ” God? .. We’ll see your answers.

Saudi academic Turki Al-Hamad responded with a tweet: “According to the opinion of some theologians, philosophers and people of Sufism, God created existence to see himself in it.

As for the owner of Nayef Al-Faqir’s tale, he commented: “I believe that God has given man a breath of divinity from his soul, to be a decision maker, so he comes or goes of his own free will.”

The owner of the Mohammed tale expressed his opinion, saying, “The most famous answer to” Why did God create us “? Showing his greatness and ability to create .. test, test and establish the argument .. The two answers refer to a statement of necessity, and the second brings us back to the question: if he knew with his absolute knowledge the value of creation in life and even in the resurrection. Then, what good is it to establish an argument against the two who are forced by faith or unbelief?

For his part, the owner of the Abo Anas tale said: “Why did God create us? Benefit each other, because worshiping God benefits people without anyone or harm, and therefore the meaning of (and I did not create the jinn and men except they worship some of them) and the jinns and people benefit each other, that is, from what I have created Other than us and no harm, but Almighty God is the Rich (what I want from them for sustenance.)

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