next 48 conditionshours.hope: thank you very much tolily. listen to this, it’s already eightthe team members of theNew York Yankees who havetested positive for coronavirus,despite being vaccinated.apart from the cds and theHealth Departmentinvestigate the causes ofpeculiar outbreak.point of view and tells us whatattributes in any case.various members of the teamthe yankees have tested positiveto covid19, despite beingfully vaccinated.why is this?>> of these or eight players,symptoms.only one of the eightfelt a little sick, duolike 36 hours.they have killed the wings of 580, the moral of thestory is that vaccines do notare 100% effective, they receivedthe johnson & johnson vaccine.that’s the vaccine that theless effective, but thevaccine protected them fromillness and worse.these are investigating,