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Why did Barbara Nowak become the head of PiS in Krakow? Łukasz Kmita explains

Barbara Nowak will replace the current PiS leader in Kraków, Michał Drewnicki. Her nomination sparked criticism from Beata Szydło. The former prime minister commented on social media that “this cannot be true” and “someone would have to lose touch with reality to dismiss Michał Drewnicki.”

“Michał is a symbol and a super boss of structures for the Krakow PiS. Young, energetic, conciliatory, with ideas. And above all, Michał Drewnicki is a man who led the Krakow PiS in a very difficult time. He fought when others fled,” Beata Szydło stated in her post.

The appointment of Barbara Nowak as head of the Kraków structures of Law and Justice is an element of changes in the party, after Łukasz Kmita became the head of PiS in Małopolska. From May to July, the PiS MP unsuccessfully ran for the position of the marshal of the province. Although Jarosław Kaczyński’s party had a majority in the regional assembly, Kmita’s candidacy, supported by Nowak among others, did not find recognition among the councillors – Łukasz Smółka was ultimately elected as the marshal.

Barbara Nowak is the head of PiS in Krakow. Łukasz Kmita comments

– Law and Justice operates in a specific way. Yesterday we had a provincial board of Law and Justice, where we talked about certain changes that are taking place in our party. Among other things, we want to mobilize many active activists, but also new people to join Law and Justice – Kmita said on Tuesday on Radio Kraków, explaining the dismissal of Michał Drewnicki and the nomination of Barbara Nowak. He indicated that the former “will be faced with new tasks related to the development of Law and Justice in local government”. – We have a terrible mayor of Kraków. It is clear that the increases that were not supposed to happen will soon hit the pocketbook hard. I am thinking here, among other things, about monthly tickets, and soon there will probably be water and other increases. That is why our councilors in the city of Kraków must focus on local government activities, and curator Nowak will be responsible for the development of Law and Justice in the city of Kraków – he explained.

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