The heroine had a completely different appearance.
Anastasia Vertinskaya fell in love with the entire Soviet Union and the world after the release of the film “Amphibian Man”. In the adventure film by Vladimir Chebotarev and Gennady Kazansky, she played the role of Gutierre, but not everyone realized that on the pages of Alexander Belyaev’s novel the heroine looked completely different.
The fact is that the writer quite accurately describes Ichthyander’s beloved. She had to have hair the color of the sun. The eyes are the blue of the ocean. However, Vertinskaya appears in the frame with her light blue eyes and dark brown hair. But the character of the heroine, described on the pages of the novel, remained unchanged in the film.
And the directors never revealed why they decided to change the heroine’s appearance. They allowed Vertinskaya to shine with her natural beauty, and the audience eventually recognized her as one of the most attractive actresses of the Soviet screen.