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“Why chickens prefer to be kept in a battery”

Jérôme Rouger has been an actor in the Martingale company since 1998 and signs his 6th show here.

This is the question that Jérôme Rouger will endeavor to answer in a lighting that is earthy to say the least. The actor will be on stage at Ekla on Tuesday January 31 at 8:30 p.m.

His name may not tell you much, but know that this comedian gained notoriety with this show spotted by the criticism of a journalist from Télérama which also earned him a fallout in the regional media and the national press with rave reviews . Jérôme Rouger has been an actor in the Martingale company since 1998 and signs his 6th show here, which he explains was born by chance during a festival where he was to give an improvised conference on agriculture.

One thing leading to another, several animals fed his imagination and the hens became the queens of this improvisation that he transformed and improved during this same festival. “I was able to discover what hyperproductivist agriculture was to build this show. There are very concrete data, it’s very serious and also funny, ”says the artist.

A happy metaphor
of the human condition

Faced with the enthusiasm of the public, he worked on the text until it became a real show that he brought to the stage. In the costume of Professor Rouger, director of the school of itinerant agriculture, he tackles the questions of the rights of the hen and the living conditions of the egg. But why do the hens feel the need to stick to each other, in conditions that nevertheless seem unenviable?

a little absurd
and metaphysics

Between scientific information and more questionable remarks, chicken and goosebumps, this pseudo-conference invests both the field of the absurd and metaphysics to reflect with a sharp and offbeat look very current issues…

As a specialist in hijacked speeches, Jérôme Rouger offers here a speech of unfailing humor, in short, a joyful metaphor for the human condition!

“After the creation of “Inoffensive [titre provisoire]” in 2012, a show a little heavier than usual for the company, especially technically, I wanted a small “all-terrain” form, almost without technique, which could be played in all kinds of settings, all kinds of conditions, day, night, indoors, outdoors, in front of all kinds of audiences,” he says. As an actor or director, he also collaborates with other companies, notably with Théâtre Group’ and les Vernisseurs. He is a regular master of ceremonies for Goguette d’Enfer, the Takavoir film festival, for the Poitiers Film Festival, and Au slam citoyen. Finally, he was a trombonist with L’Étrange Gonzo. In 2010, he created Dis Donc, a theatrical reading rally whose principle is to read plays in the company of their author. He co-directed “Ah?” Parthenay theater festival from 2003 to 2009 and the Printemps de la Martingale from 2010. He was a lecturer in master 2 directing and scenography at Bordeaux III, regularly gives internships in theaters and conservatories and teaches at the CFMI (Training Center Musicians Intervening) of Poitiers. But it’s at Teich in a few days that we will be able to discover all his talent with this show created in 2014. “It takes up the codes of the conference: a teacher, students, real information on the living conditions of the hens in battery, and more… questionable information, ”explains the comedian. In the end, given the success that awaited it, this story is a bit of a goose!

Fabienne Amozigh Gay

Alone on stage. Tuesday January 31 at 8:30 p.m. in the Ekla room of Teich. Price: 15 euros, reduced: 12 euros, under 12: 8 euros. Info. Ekla: 05 57 15 63 75.

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