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Why Can We Forget?

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Why Can We Forget?

The context of forgetting in this case can be said to be quite broad. There is forgetting past memories, forgetting special details, to forgetting simple things such as: wanting to pay debts, even more debt. There are many things to explain why we can forget this, of course.

Please note that the memory in the human brain consists of 3 types, namely: sensory memory, short term memoryday long term memory. And it turns out that simple things that we often do usually use “default storage” in short term memory.

Sumber: Unsplash

In this case, sensory memory and short-term memory are related. Because when our senses catch a new stimulus, such as seeing a beautiful friend or coworker or hearing a new song in English, the sensory memory will capture it as a “record” which will then be stored in short-term memory.

But it turns out that short-term memory itself can only store information that is passed on by sensory memory for a short time, that’s why this memory is called short-term memory. This is the answer why we can forget the simple things and just done.

Source: Freepik

On some occasions but not on occasion in the narrow, short-term memory can also be long-term memory. The trick is to remember something over and over again. This repetitive process of remembering can occur intentionally or unintentionally. Examples of intentional repetition such as remembering mathematical formulas or tenses English that we just got at the moment study or tutor. While examples of unintentional repetition such as often passing the same place every day so we can remember anything we will pass or often meet someone and suddenly fall in love.

The method that can be used to train short-term memory into long-term memory is called Mnemonic. This method applies or records the same pattern that we receive constantly until finally any memory can be stored for a long time.

In addition, long-term memories can also come from very rare events, the most important moments or the most memorable experiences, including memories of an ex.

Even so, long-term memory can also slowly disappear where the details of these rare, important and memorable events can fade from the brain. This is what makes us forget.

And the last reason why we can forget is the brain’s working system that fails in finding memory data. This incident is called brain failure in calling memory. Simply put, we often try to remember but can’t remember. This condition is caused by the brain failing to recall the memories that have been stored. This is still related to the fading of long-term memory that has been described previously.

So that’s the reason why we can forget. So for those of you who are still thinking about your ex, immediately look for a new one so that the memories of your ex can be lost. Simply put, to forget the old, find the new.

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