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Why blood donation also has benefits for donors

People who donate blood do so primarily to help others. However, blood donation also has many benefits for the donors.

A car accident, cancer, an organ transplant: people rely on blood donations every day – including in Rhineland-Palatinate. Hospitals complain about scarce resources almost all year round, but blood donations are often particularly scarce during the summer months. The problem is also that the willingness to donate is declining in Germany overall. Young people in particular are difficult to reach, say experts.

Blood donors are always lifesavers. What many people don’t know, however, is that donating blood also has benefits for your own health.

Regular blood donation can lower blood pressure in hypertension-Patients, i.e. people who suffer from high blood pressure. This was the result of studies by doctors at the Charité in Berlin. 150 blood donors with normal and high blood pressure were examined – over a period of four whole blood donations. The result was that the blood pressure of people with high initial values ​​decreased significantly.

There are good reasons to donate blood. Also because the donor is doing something good for themselves. SWR

This blood pressure-lowering effect lasted up to six weeks. And even better: the more often these people donated blood, the greater the reduction in blood pressure.

For regular blood donors, the risk of a heart attack or stroke is significantly lower – by up to 88 percent. At least that is what a somewhat older study Long-term study from 1998 from Finland There were around 3,000 test subjects in the test.

Before each blood donation, blood pressure, body temperature and hemoglobin level are checked.

What is the hemoglobin level?

Hemoglobin is the red blood pigment. It plays a crucial role in the transport of oxygen in the blood. If the level is too low or too high, this can indicate various diseases.

If a value does not match, the potential donor is not allowed to donate blood for his own protection.

However, anyone who is approved to donate blood has the advantage that their blood is tested for various infectious diseases after each collection – such as HIV, hepatitis B and C or syphilis. Anyone who is infected is usually notified immediately. Anyone who is not informed can be sure that their blood is free of such pathogens.

Actually, everyone should know their blood group. But this is often not the case. Blood donors who donate for the first time receive a Blood donor card with the respective blood group. Knowing this does no harm and can potentially give you a clear time advantage in the event of an accident.

This blood group determination is free when you donate blood. Anyone who simply wants to know their blood group usually has to pay for it.

First of all: donating blood is not a diet! But donating blood takes energy – and therefore calories. Experts are not entirely in agreement about how many calories are lost when donating blood. It is estimated that it is between 650 and 800 calories. For comparison: an average kebab has around 700 calories.

After donating blood, the body has to compensate for the blood loss in the long term by producing new blood cells. This process requires energy. In order to completely replace the donated blood in the next two to three months, the human body uses an additional 2,000 to 3,000 calories in addition to the basal metabolic rate, says the German Red Cross. After all, that would be about three to four kebabs. So donating blood is not really suitable as a new diet trend.

Where can I donate blood in Rhineland-Palatinate?

In Germany, a large part of the blood donation service is organized by the German Red Cross (DRK). The DRK Blood Donation Service West is responsible for Rhineland-Palatinate.

A central information page provides information on blood donation and a Location search for blood donation appointments.

Or you can find out more by calling the central number 0800 / 11 949 11which can be reached free of charge from German landlines.

There are centres for transfusion medicine in Bad Kreuznach and on University Hospital Mainz.

There is also the possibility to donate blood in clinics, for example in Westpfalz Hospital.

Regional donation centers can also be found via the Homepage of the StKB.

Why the Trier district is the leader in blood donations

There is no need for scientific studies for this: for most people, it just feels good to help others. Helping makes you happy! According to the German Red Cross, a single whole blood donation can help up to three patients. And just the thought of having contributed to this gives many donors a feeling of euphoria. There is even a name for this: “Warm Glow.”

For those who still want to be insured, there is also Studies in addition.

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