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“Why being alone is good for you: benefits and tips”

More and more people feel lonely. And not only the elderly feel this way, young people are also increasingly dealing with loneliness. The Loneliness Experiment showed that no less than 40% of young people between the ages of 16 and 24 often feel lonely, compared to 27% of the over-75s. According to experts, it may well be that this feeling of loneliness arises precisely because we spend so much time with other people.

Electric shock

Out research American psychologist Timothy Wilson even shows that people would rather receive an electric shock than be alone for a while with nothing to do. Shocking: the vast majority of the test subjects were unable to do this for even fifteen minutes.


But being alone is really good for you. And that is due to all sorts of things. Doing fun things on your own makes you feel less lonely, it helps you recharge and feel free. But there are many more benefits:

Get to know yourself

Alone time helps you get to know yourself better, find out what your interests are and find your own voice. In a group, it is more likely that you go along with the things that the group does or thinks, while you might make very different choices if you are alone.

Clear your mind

Often it takes energy to be in the presence of others. Instead of others draining you, you can also put this energy into yourself. By being alone without distractions you can really recharge and clear your head.

You become more selective

Doing fun things on your own more often can make you think about your current friendships. Maybe you have some ‘filler friendships’; relationships you maintain because you’d rather do something on a Friday night than be home alone. By spending time with yourself and getting a better sense of who you are and what you want in life, you automatically make different choices about who you want to be with.

Where to start?

You don’t have to go on holiday alone for a month. Start small. Go and drink a cup of coffee or a glass of wine on the terrace. Or think about what really makes you happy, or which hobby you would like to spend more time on. Go for it. Before you know it you will be looking forward to the moments for yourself.

Crocheting is hip. This is how you start:

Bron: Women’s Health

2023-05-04 14:45:00
#isnt #pathetic

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